The New Zealand Herald

Public invited to try on a turban

- Vaimoana Tapaleao

People from all background­s will get the chance to feel what it is like to wear a turban at a special event aimed at educating Kiwis about Sikhism.

Auckland Turban Day will be held at Aotea Square on Saturday from 11am to 2pm. It is the second time the event has been held in New Zealand, with the first, in 2016, attracting about 150 people, more than organisers had anticipate­d.

Members of the Sikh Youth New Zealand group, in collaborat­ion with the Khalsa Foundation NZ, are again organising the day, and are hoping for up to 400 people this year.

Spokesman Harvin Singh Hans said the day was about inviting people from other background­s to better understand their culture and religious beliefs.

“We’ve heard from some [Sikh] parents that their kids are getting bullied at school because they wear a turban.

“We want kids to grow up and be proud to be Sikh. This event is a bid to educate the New Zealand public.”

Up to 400 new 5m turbans in a variety of colours have been bought for the event.

There will be 10 volunteers who will tie turbans on any man, woman or child who wants to try one. Each turban will take between five to 10 minutes to put on.

Hans, who works as an accountant, has lived in New Zealand for three years. He said Kiwis were generally understand­ing and accepting of others but there were instances when he felt judged for the way he looked or the turban he wore.

“I catch the bus every day and when the bus fills up, my seat is nearly always the last to be filled. Some people see me and choose to stand instead.”

 ??  ?? Anyone who wants to feel what it’s like to wear a Sikh turban can find out on Saturday at Aotea Square.
Anyone who wants to feel what it’s like to wear a Sikh turban can find out on Saturday at Aotea Square.

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