The New Zealand Herald

Inglis out of quarantine and set to join Hodges in Origin opener


It may not have been as dramatic as Trevor Gillmeiste­r’s 1995 heroics but Greg Inglis emerged from his hospital bed to join his Queensland teammates yesterday.

Maroons backrower Sam Thaiday revealed Inglis had spent three nights in hospital with tonsilliti­s before receiving the nod for Wednesday night’s State of Origin league opener.

Inglis was quarantine­d last week at Queensland’s Gold Coast camp but joined his teammates yesterday, albeit to watch training from the sidelines.

Veteran centre Justin Hodges also received the thumbs up for Origin I after spending last week nursing a foot wound suffered in a bike crash at the camp.

Inglis may not quite have rivalled the comeback of Gillmeiste­r who famously left hospital to lead the Maroons to a 3-0 1995 series win before checking himself back in.

Still, Inglis received a round of applause from teammates when he joined them at their last training session before they fly out to Sydney.

It emerged Inglis had to undergo blood tests on Friday.

“The doc has been looking after GI very closely,” Thaiday said.

“Tonsilliti­s they said — I thought that was only for little kids but he’s been in hospital for three days so it must have been bad.’’

Queensland coach Mal Meninga tried to play down Inglis’ hospital stay after confirming the veteran centre would play Origin I.

“It’s just precaution­ary really,” he said. “The doc’s normally conservati­ve with these sorts of illnesses and there’s been an epidemic of tonsilliti­s and viral flu at the moment so just being precaution­ary to make sure we look after one of our very valuable players.

“He’s back with the team, he’ll be travelling with the team and he’ll train Tuesday and play Wednesday. He’s still getting over the aftermath of tonsilliti­s but he’ll be fine for Wednesday.”

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