The Leader Nelson edition


- Jenny Leith Eve Jackson Mapua

A couple of weeks ago I attended the screening of ‘‘On the Backs of Women’’ a NZ made film about microfinan­ce in Myanmar. It was pleasing to read in the recent Leader that significan­t funds were raised through this screening to assist women in that country.

I wanted to take the opportunit­y to draw the attention of readers to the Nelson Womens Loan Fund - also a microfinan­cing scheme right here on our doorstep.

The fund makes loans to women in the Nelson region to further their education or to assist with business establishm­ent. Loans are interest free, but are repaid in full by the borrower over an agreed term.

Further informatio­n is available on the website: nelsonwome­

This October the national annual gathering of Womens

Loan funds is being held in our region. I am writing to object most fervently to the photograph on the front page of the Tasman edition of the leader dated Thursday August 18, showing young children involved in the Merman Ltd Junior Possum Throw and further material on page 17 about the Riwaka Hunting and Fishing Competitio­n.

Do you really think the majority of your readers think it is a good idea to encourage children to show no respect for animals dead or alive?

I can hear the response you are already formulatin­g in your head, that possums are a pest, that I don’t need to choose to read the article, it is of local interest etc etc etc.

These animals cause harm and the possum is a pest. That is true, however the possum does not have a personal agenda to do damage or do harm.

These animals are being humanely culled in many parts of the country.

Hurling around dead bodies for cheap entertainm­ent is repugnant to me and I am sure it is to many of your readers.

It is ignorant and disrespect­ful behaviour.

As for the whole idea of rejoicing in killing a pig and running with it on your back, why not have a go at this kind of thing when your dog dies?

Killing for pleasure, taking pleasure in playing games with dead bodies and hiding behind a need to cull for conservati­on reasons is an excuse for blood lust.

The organisers of events like this are teaching young children that the only lives that matter are human lives. They are training children to be the red-neck hillbillie­s that they are themselves.

Compassion does not seem to rank highly in hunting circles. Hunting for food and survival is very different to what we are seeing here.

Since I do not subscribe to this paper which arrives in my mailbox in spite of the ‘‘no junk mail’’ sticker, I feel I am completely within my rights to object to seeing this in the same way that another reluctant reader might object to you portraying nudity or pornograph­y on your front page.

Do you really think this obscenity is appealing to the majority of your 36,000 readers? Please move into the 21st century or stop delivering your publicatio­n to my front door.

 ??  ?? Possums: No personal agenda to do harm.
Possums: No personal agenda to do harm.
 ??  ??

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