The Bay Chronicle

From exhausted to re-energised

- By the time I get home from work, I am absolutely exhausted. I know that I am partly responsibl­e for this because I get so caught up in getting through the day that I often skip lunch. Do you have some suggestion­s for ways that I can better protect my ene

Hello Christie. Firstly, good on you for being so honest and wanting to take good care of yourself. Secondly, don’t skip lunch. This will be a major contributi­ng factor to your failing energy at the end of the day.

I’m guessing you also go home starving and ready to eat your own arm off which, for many people, leads to less nourishing food choices and goes a long way to perpetuati­ng a cycle of poor energy.

It is easy to get caught up in the day’s tasks and feel as though we don’t have a single spare moment that we can commit to anything else. I have heard from many clients over the years that they just do whatever they can to get through the day’s work. So often though, that work follows them home as well and if we’re not careful, we can end up in a cycle of being available 24/7 – again, another drain on our energy.

There are a number of ways we can conserve our energy through the day so we don’t fall into a heap on the couch when we get home feeling as though we can’t possibly move another step.

Of course, making sure our body is being fed with loads of nourishing nutrients is one of those, so good on you for reconnecti­ng with cooking your own vege filled meals. This is a great start. It might be that you need to also ensure you are eating enough protein and fats from wholefoods.

Furthermor­e, you might like to boost your nutrient intake via a concentrat­ed green vegetable powder, which can help us to add even more nutrition to our daily routine. Add a scoop to a glass of water or smoothie each day.

Preserving our energy may need to begin with some hard questions. We often have deadlines and things that require immediate attention, but is all of what is absorbing our time absolutely urgent? Often we can cut down on our daily workload by changing the way we manage our time or learning to set clearer boundaries.

If you feel that you’re daily tasks are endless and yet you continue to take on more work, it’s helpful to explore why you might be finding it difficult to say ‘‘no’’ or what you are afraid might happen if you do. Also consider that when we say we don’t have time for something, what we are really saying is that something just isn’t a priority for us right now. We make time for what we prioritise.

It’s also important to ensure your body is not constantly in a stress response. To counteract this, engage with regular restorativ­e practices and have daily rituals that help you to Email your questions for Dr Libby to ask.drlibby@fairfaxmed­ Please note, only a selection of questions can be answered.

begin your day on the right footing and wind down after you come home. The rituals might include going for a morning walk, a daily gratitude practice, having a bath and/or playing relaxing music. Restorativ­e practices include yoga, diaphragma­tic breath work, tai chi, qi gong or gentle Pilates.

Don’t underestim­ate the power of getting up and having a rest throughout your day. Set a reminder on your computer each hour to get up, have a stretch and go for a brief walk around the office.

 ??  ?? Here are some ideas for those who get home from work exhausted and just collapse on the sofa.
Here are some ideas for those who get home from work exhausted and just collapse on the sofa.

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