Te Awamutu Courier

Feedback ignored


In the Courier of September 7, we learned that residents who opposed the cul-de-sacs in Kihikihi and presented to the council service delivery committee wasted their time and energy.

And that those who object to changes to Memorial Park met the same response.

The same council committee decided to not even try to ascertain residents’ views about fluoridati­on of the Cambridge water supply.

Council says it wants to hear residents’ views on issues within the district but when those who offer feedback meet a brick wall is it any wonder that they give up?

Councillor­s are there to represent their communitie­s. How can they do that if they don’t listen or even ask questions before making decisions? Nick Cantlon

Council replies: We acknowledg­e a range of views in Kihikihi, both for and against the cul-de-sacs. All submission­s were given to councillor­s who considered all of that feedback.

Councillor­s made their decisions based on all the informatio­n available, including how to keep people safe. Some people are pleased with the decisions made, others are not.

In terms of the Te Awamutu War Memorial Park, council made huge changes to what was originally proposed for the park based entirely on community feedback.

While some people do not want any changes at the park, others have welcomed plans. Again, there is a range of views. Councillor­s had absolutely no input into the decision made by the Government to fluoridate the Cambridge water supply. That it is a decision made by the Ministry of Health and is completely out of the council’s hands.

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