Taranaki Daily News

If you have rental houses, staying rich is not difficult

Stuff’s series How I Made My First Million talks to millionair­es about how they got there. This week, it’s Luke Wolfsbauer of property investment firm Wolfsbauer Investment­s. By Anuja Nadkarni.


How did you make your first million, how old were you?

I was 21, almost 22. I made it through starting a constructi­on company at 19 then by 21 had more than 100 employees. While I was running the constructi­on company I started to invest in real estate because that was something I loved and had passion for. Since I was 24, I have been fulltime in real estate.

Do you follow any personal finance rules?

I never borrow money on things that are not going to bring a return on the investment. For example, if I want a boat for fun, I better be able to pay cash or I can’t afford it.

What are two money tips you’d give to a 20-year-old who wants to become a millionair­e?

Don’t borrow money on things that don’t make you money. You will never become a millionair­e working an hourly job, but it’s a good place to start and you need money to make money, so save it.

Do you weigh more importance to saving or investing?

Investing. Money in the bank is a waste. Have some reserves for a rainy day but investing in solid investment­s with a return is key to wealth.

What was the worst financial decision you made?

Where to start – I have made so many. But, all jokes aside, I have made a few bad property investment­s where the return was just breaking even and it was just a big waste of time. Wasting time is the worst. But I have learnt so much more from my bad investment­s than my good ones because you remember them.

Any financial myths you think must be busted?

The harder you work, the more money you will make.

Do you feel rich?

I feel like I have financial freedom. Which is a good feeling. But do I feel rich? That’s hard to say, depends what table I’m sitting at.

Can money buy happiness?

Yes! But at the same time no. All depends how you use it, like anything. To me, money buys me time to do things I love and spend it with people I love. If you get into the trap of thinking the more money you make, the happier you will be, you will never be happy, because you will work until you’re dead thinking happiness is just a bigger house or a better car away. Balance is key.

What is your advice to people to stay wealthy – getting rich is one thing, is staying rich just as difficult?

I think the key to staying rich is residual income. And wealth, for that matter. For example, I am in real estate. Rental houses. If you have rental houses, staying rich is not hard at all. I knew when I started my journey to wealth I needed something that would pay me monthly without working every day.

 ??  ?? Luke Wolfsbauer says you shouldn’t borrow money on things that don’t make you money.
Luke Wolfsbauer says you shouldn’t borrow money on things that don’t make you money.
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