Taranaki Daily News

Time to go


Myself and most of New Plymouth, I suspect, have had enough of all these people writing in wanting the Don Driver art to stay at the airport. I’m sure any artist would give their eye teeth to have some art displayed in public for a year or two. Ten years, great; 20 years, fantastic; 30 years, an amazing run; 40 years... mmm... OK, but getting a bit tired of it. But 50 years... It’s time to go!

I find it interestin­g how these people writing in say that it’s an arrogant bunch that want the mural to go. I say to you that it is you that are the supremely arrogant ones for assuming that we all here want to see the same mural forever and a day. I would say that people who love art are generally progressiv­e; however it seems that these ones in support of the mural staying are not.

Also, the mural will still be around anyway but in another location. Having it at the airport surely just limits it to those coming via the airport, whereas a great number of people travel via road and therefore will never see the mural.

If it is exposure of the mural you want, then surely let it be moved to a place where its exposure is widened and therefore giving greater recognitio­n to Don Driver and Kingsford Smith, which is surely a win for you lot and a win for those who would like to see something different at the airport.

Paul Watson, New Plymouth

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