Taranaki Daily News

Trump readies fan base for guerrilla war

The logic of his conspiracy talk ahead of the election result is that there will have to be a resistance, says Tim Stanley.


‘‘I will keep you in suspense,’’ said Donald Trump at the Las Vegas debate, like an illusionis­t before a great reveal.

He’s a showman, this is what he does. But his refusal to say whether or not he’ll accept the legitimacy of the election result on November 8 alarmed rather than delighted the audience. It suggests that his campaign will continue even if he loses. That President Hillary Clinton won’t be allowed to get on with her job.

How extraordin­ary is this threat? Not as much as Left-wing pundits say. Election results have been contested before. Some Republican­s accused John F Kennedy of stealing the election in 1960; the 2000 Florida recount tested the limits of American democracy.

Harbouring doubts about such an enormous, flawed process is rational.

In the Las Vegas debate, Trump cited a 2012 Pew study that found 1 in 8 electoral registrati­ons may be inaccurate - although it did not conclude that fraud is widespread. Throw into this mix Clinton’s reputation for corruption and Trump seems borderline rational.

It is more unusual for candidates to question an election before it’s actually happened, however (it’s not unheard of though, as the Democrats complained about a break-in at their Watergate hotel HQ in the run up to the 1972 presidenti­al election - to the uninterest of American voters).

Worse, Trump’s unqualifie­d dislike of his opponent, attacks on the media, use of the word ‘‘rigged’’ etc, prepares his fan base not so much for defeat as enemy occupation followed by guerrilla war. The logic of his conspiracy talk is that there will have to be a resistance.

A chance for Trump to make money, too. His family is believed to be exploring the creation of a new television network. Programmin­g would likely be limited at first to Trump’s monologues and some cheap reality TV - but the size of his vote in the primaries suggests an audience exists. Again, this is not a first. The Sarah Palin Channel, a subscripti­on service, launched in 2014 ... and shut down in 2015.

Most failed presidenti­al tickets fade away or ‘‘retire’’ into regular political service - as John Kerry did when he later became Secretary of State.

But what can a candidate who has no party influence, no obvious fallback option, do next? Trump, like Palin, may choose to continue his presidenti­al campaign through the press and speeches. To engage in a constant excavation of his defeat - threatenin­g to do it all over again.

American political history is full of such figures. George C Wallace, the segregatio­nist Democrat, ran for the presidency four times from 1964-76 and operated a sort of Southern court in Alabama. Ross Perot, the Texan businessma­n, took nearly a fifth of the vote in 1992 and hung around for the next four years marshallin­g opposition to free trade. In other words, one does not need elected office or even an election victory behind you to sustain relevance.

On the contrary, spectacula­r defeat - of the variety Trump faces - could translate into political longevity. Unlike Mitt Romney, a decent but dull moderate, Trump will go down representi­ng something. The ‘‘lower’’ he goes, to borrow Michelle Obama’s language, the higher will be the esteem of his fans. As far as they’re concerned, he is being crucified for telling the truth.

I’m left thinking: ‘‘How can Clinton govern?’’ Millions of Americans will believe she stole this election; others will regard her election as a fluke. She is disliked. I can detect no popular constituen­cy for her agenda. If the Republican­s retain the House then she will struggle to implement it. Trump has signposted a change in US politics - the death of orthodox thinking and spin. Yet his implosion has elevated a woman who most obviously represents the past. She has the smell of a oneterm president. The two-party system will resurface eventually.

It would be helpful if Trump exercised silence in the years to come. He almost certainly won’t. Therefore it falls to mainstream Republican­s to offer an opposition to President Clinton that is firm but patriotic. In four years’ time they must nominate a candidate who acknowledg­es the changes which Trump has accurately identified blowing through American society and politics. But he or she must win by forging unity instead of exploiting division. - Telegraph Group

 ??  ?? Donald Trump supporters may be asked to continue the struggle if their man loses the election next month.
Donald Trump supporters may be asked to continue the struggle if their man loses the election next month.
 ??  ?? Trump’s unqualifie­d dislike of his opponent prepares his fan base for a lasting fight against a Clinton government.
Trump’s unqualifie­d dislike of his opponent prepares his fan base for a lasting fight against a Clinton government.
 ?? PHOTOS: REUTERS ?? Donald Trump’s threat not to accept the election result is not unique in US political history.
PHOTOS: REUTERS Donald Trump’s threat not to accept the election result is not unique in US political history.
 ??  ?? Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin launched a subscripti­on TV channel after her failed bid for the US vicepresid­ency.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin launched a subscripti­on TV channel after her failed bid for the US vicepresid­ency.

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