Sunday Star-Times




1. children’s comic first printed in 1938, with characters including Dennis the Menace, Minnie the Minx, and the Bash Street Kids (5)

4. Sisters associated with the Yorkshire village of Haworth (7) 8. Cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle to its bony attachment (5)

11. Author known for series of books including

and (7) 12. Water which has had the salt removed (11)

13. Eldest son of Noah (4)

14. Game in which players bet against the dealer on the order in which cards will appear (4) 15. A truce or cessation from hostilitie­s (9)

17. Slender iron-tipped spear of hard wood, used by peoples of southern Africa (7)

19. Colloquial term for vehicle used by police to transport prisoners (5,5)

21. Singer/actress known by her first name, part of 1960s duo with her then husband (4) 23. Bivalve mollusc of the family Ostreidae, eaten as a delicacy (6)

25. Civilian airline set up by the CIA, active during the Vietnam War (3,7)

27. Actor (1901-1961) who won an Oscar for his portrayal of

Sheriff Will Kane in


28. Descriptio­n of grains, especially rice, which have had the husk removed (6)

29. In the Roman calendar, the 15th of March, May, July or

October, or 13th of any other month (4)

31. Lake in northern England where Sir Henry Segrave broke the world water speed record in 1930 (10)

32. Region of Italy conquered by the neighbouri­ng Romans in the first century BCE (7)

35. Quick ballroom dance based on a Latin American style (4,5) 39. First name of Lady Croft, fictional archaeolog­ist and adventurer (4) 40. Indian dish made with stewed legumes, onions and spices (4)

43. Ships with strengthen­ed hulls which operate in polar areas (11)

44. Person who denies the existence of a god or gods (7) 45. Taxonomic group containing one or more species (5)

46. German prisoner of war camps (7)

47. Descriptio­n of a golf course on sandy coastal ground (5) Down

1. World’s best-selling German beer (5)

2. 1984 historical film which won eight Oscars, including Best Actor for F Murray Abraham (7)

3. River which rises in Czech Republic and flows 854km, ending in the Baltic Sea (4)

4. Island group in the western Mediterran­ean (8)

5. Chauffeur and bodyguard to Auric Goldfinger in the third James Bond film in 1964 (6)

6. Opera in three acts by Giacomo Puccini (5)

7. Town in northeaste­rn Massachuse­tts, scene of 1692 witchcraft trials (5)

8. Cavity within the face connecting with the nasal cavities (5)

9. London suburb, scene of one of Europe’s largest street festivals (7,4)

10. Freshwater duck of Eurasia and northern Africa, related to mallards and teals (7) 17. 18. 19. 20.

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