Sunday Star-Times

Tokyo vandals target Anne Frank’s Diary


ANNE FRANK’S The Diary of A Young Girl and scores of books about the young Holocaust victim have been vandalised in Tokyo public libraries since earlier this year.

The damage was mostly in the form of dozens of ripped pages in the books.

Librarians have counted at least 265 damaged books at 31 municipal libraries since the end of January.

Japan and Nazi Germany were allies in World War II, and though Holocaust denial has occurred in Japan at times, the motive for damaging the Anne Frank books is unclear. Police are investigat­ing.

In the Nakano district libraries, the vandals apparently damaged the books while unnoticed inside reading rooms, according to city official Mitsujiro Ikeda. At least one library has moved Anne Frankrelat­ed books behind the counter for protection, though they can still be checked out.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga called the vandalism ‘‘shameful’’ and said Japan would not tolerate such acts.

Anne Frank wrote her diary over the two years she and her family hid in a concealed apartment in Nazioccupi­ed Amsterdam during World War II. After her family was betrayed and deported, she died in a German concentrat­ion camp at age 15 in 1945. Her father survived and published her diary, which has become the most widely read document to emerge from the Holocaust.

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