South Taranaki Star



Our South Taranaki town council is looking for ideas from locals to make Hawera attractive to visitors, tourists and attract new residents.

We already have a great attraction locally: the Tawhiti Museum. People from all over the world have come to visit this great attraction. Buses come from all over New Zealand to make a special stop to spend at least four hours there, with most saying they need more time.

To follow on from there, why doesn’t South Taranaki as a whole get behind the Turuturu Mokai Redoubt? The council, in conjunctio­n with local iwi, could try to rebuild it the way it was, perhaps getting experts like Peter Jackson to come on board. This would help the local Maori youth to be involved.

Build a replica of a Maori pa, using a meeting house as an entrance, to display local art.

Once through into the pa itself, have souvenirs and hangi meals available. Perhaps even a Maori culture group to perform daily.

We have a great deal of history around South Taranaki, we should build on it to bring tourists here and to complement the Tawhiti Museum. Bring the Turuturu Mokai Redoubt back to life in a positive way to attract tourists to our town. This would also create employment for our youth.

Show off our great Maori culture to New Zealand and the world.

Tom Butler


In reply to your comments, Brent McKenna, about my profile message on September 29. It is obvious that you don’t like Ma¯ ori people, especially one who is game enough to share his views about Ma¯ ori issues.

If you took time to do some research about me, or even contacted me, you would have learned more about Ma¯ ori people like myself, who have an opinion. I wonder if you read my profile in the election booklet, or attended any of the ‘‘meet the candidates’’ meetings?

Yes Mr McKenna, I was and still keen on promoting democracy. I never declared that a minority have the right, without election by the majority of voters, to a vote on the Council. You state that this is not democracy, but a form of apartheid. Those are your words, not mine, and yes I know that. You don’t need to remind me that we are all immigrants to this country Mr McKenna. I never ever stated that, so I would like to remind you that I know that too.


What a disappoint­ing read was the comment on the letters’ page 20/10/16. As someone who attended the funerals of the three vibrant young kids killed on that bridge a few years ago, I fail to see how John Muldrock’s piece of literary b...t made it to print. To me its a slap in the face to the parents and families of all those who have died on that dangerous stretch of road.

But how would J M know that when his head is jammed up his behind.

Peter Te Ngahue



We welcome letters to the editor, 250 words or less preferred. Published at the sole discretion of the editor and they may be edited. Include your address and phone number (not for publicatio­n). Send to Taranaki Star, 96 Collins St, 4610 or PO Box 428, Hawera or email to Deadline: Fridays 4pm.

 ??  ?? Tawhiti Museum’s model of Turuturu Mokai pa.
Tawhiti Museum’s model of Turuturu Mokai pa.

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