Rotorua Daily Post

Kiwi hostage victim of fight for independen­ce

- Camellia Webb-gannon Camellia Webb-gannon is a lecturer at the University of Wollongong

“Phil Mehrtens is the nicest guy, he genuinely is — no one ever had anything bad to say about him”, says a colleague of the New Zealand pilot taken hostage last week by members of the West Papuan Liberation Army (TPN-PB) in the mountainou­s Nduga Regency.

How such a nice guy became a pawn in the decades-long conflict between West Papua and the Indonesian Government is a tragic case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it is also a symbolic and desperate attempt to attract internatio­nal attention towards the West Papuan crisis.

A joint military and police mission as of yesterday had so far failed to find Mehrtens, and forcing negotiatio­ns with Jakarta is a prime strategy of TPN-PB. Spokespers­on Sebby Sambom told Australian media: “The military and police have killed too many Papuans. From our end, we also killed [people]. So it is better we sit at the negotiatio­n table

[ . . . ] Our new target are all foreigners: the US, EU, Australian­s and New Zealanders because they supported Indonesia to kill Papuans for 60 years.”

Sambom is referring to internatio­nal complicity and silence since Indonesia annexed the former Dutch colony as it prepared for political independen­ce in the 1960s. Mehrtens is the latest foreign victim of the resulting violent struggle by West Papuans for autonomy.

Violence and betrayal

The history of the conflict can be traced back to 1962, when the US facilitate­d what became known as the New York Agreement, which handed West Papua over to the United Nations and then to Indonesia.

In 1969, the UN oversaw a farcical independen­ce referendum that effectivel­y allowed the permanent annexation of West Papua by Indonesia. Since that time, West Papuans have been subjected to violent human rights abuses, environmen­tal and cultural dispossess­ion, and mass killings under Indonesian rule.

New Zealand and Australia continue to support Indonesian sovereignt­y over West Papua, and maintain defence and other diplomatic ties with Jakarta. Australia has been involved in training Indonesian army and police, and is a major aid donor to Indonesia.

Mehrtens is far from the first hostage to be taken in this unequal power struggle. Nearly three decades ago, in the neighbouri­ng district of Mapenduma, TPN-PB members kidnapped a group of environmen­tal researcher­s from Europe for five months.

Like now, the demand was that Indonesia recognise West Papuan independen­ce. Two Indonesian­s with the group were killed. The English and Dutch hostages were ultimately rescued, but not before further tragedy occurred.

At one point, negotiatio­ns seemed to have stalled between the West Papuan captors and the Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which was delivering food and supplies to the hostages and working for their release.

Taking matters into their own hands, members of the Indonesian military commandeer­ed a white civilian helicopter that had been used (or was similar to one used) by the ICRC. Witnesses recall seeing the ICRC emblem on the aircraft. When the helicopter lowered towards waiting crowds of civilians, the military opened fire. The ICRC denied any involvemen­t in the resulting massacre, but the entire incident was emblematic of the times. It took place several years before the fall of former Indonesian president Suharto, when there was little hope of West Papua gaining independen­ce from Indonesia through peaceful negotiatio­ns.

Then, as now, the TPN-PB was searching for a way to capture the world’s attention.

Losing hope

Since the early 2000s, with Suharto gone and fresh hope inspired by East Timor’s independen­ce, Papuans — including members of the West Papuan Liberation Army — have largely been committed to fighting for independen­ce through peaceful means.

After several decades of wilful non-interventi­on by Australia and New Zealand in what they consider to be Jakarta’s affairs, that hope is flagging. It appears elements of the independen­ce movement are again turning to desperate measures.

In 2019, the TPN-PB killed 24 Indonesian­s working on a highway to connect the coast with the interior, claiming their victims were spies for the Indonesian army. They have become increasing­ly outspoken about their intentions to stop further Indonesian expansion in Papua at any cost.

In turn, this triggered a hugely disproport­ionate counter-insurgency operation in the highlands where Mehrtens was captured. It has been reported at least 60,000 people have been displaced in the Nduga Regency over the past four years as a result.

Internatio­nal engagement

It is important to remember that the latest hostage taking, and the 1996 events, are the actions of a few. They do not reflect the commitment of the vast majority of Indigenous West Papuans to work peacefully for independen­ce through demonstrat­ions, social media activism, civil disobedien­ce, diplomacy and dialogue.

Looking forward, New Zealand, Australia and other government­s close to Indonesia need to commit to serious discussion­s about human rights in West Papua — not only because there is a hostage involved, but because it is the right thing to do.

Negotiatio­ns for the release of Mehrtens must be handled carefully to avoid further disproport­ionate responses by the Indonesian military. The kidnapping is not justified, but neither is Indonesia’s violence against West Papuans — or the internatio­nal community’s refusal to address the violence.

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Phil Mehrtens.

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