Piako Post

Worksafe gets tougher


OnFarmSafe­ty New Zealand managing director Bronwyn Muir says since the new Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 came into force, farmers have had six months to become health and safety compliant, and now the honeymoon period is over.

Worksafe has indicated they will take a firmer line of enforcemen­t.

‘‘Farmers must become health and safety compliant, statistics show that over the past three years there has been little change in reducing the number of incidents and accidents on farm,’’ she said.

Recently there have been several rural incidents and fatalities (many involving quad bikes).

‘‘This is something we cannot ignore or presume to be common sense, farmers need to take action to make their workplace safer especially at this time of year when farmers are seasonally fatigued and with poor weather and ground conditions,’’ said Muir.

‘‘It’s important to have regular meetings with staff ensuring health and safety is discussed, and also inducting contractor­s onto your farm.’’

Farmers should all now be aware of their health and safety requiremen­ts and should have systems in place.

The legislatio­n changed in April 2016, everyone in the workplace has a responsibi­lity to make sure their workplace is safe and healthy for all those who work there.

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