Otago Daily Times

Mulino’s presidency bid successful


PANAMA’S former security minister Jose Raul Mulino yesterday stormed to victory in a presidenti­al poll dominated by his old boss, the popular exleader Ricardo Martinelli, who buttressed his campaign despite being holed up in Nicaragua’s embassy.

Mulino, 64, was one of the favourites for the presidency after he stepped in to replace Martinelli on the ballot when the former president was barred from running due to a money laundering conviction.

‘‘Mission accomplish­ed, damn it,’’ Mulino told his supporters.

‘‘To Ricardo Martinelli, friend, mission accomplish­ed as well.’’ His government would be proinvestm­ent and probusines­s and the country would honour its debts, but he also vowed to not forget the poor.

‘‘I promise to the country at this time to put together, to establish a government of unity as soon as possible,’’ he told electoral officials earlier. Martinelli played a key role drumming up support for Mulino from Nicaragua’s embassy in Panama’s capital, where he sought asylum.

Many voters saw Mulino as a proxy for Martinelli, though opponents called him a puppet of the former president.

Nicaragua granted Martinelli asylum but Panamanian authoritie­s have blocked him from leaving the country. Mulino visited Martinelli at the embassy after casting his vote yesterday.

Mulino, a former lawyer who served as interior and security minister during Martinelli’s administra­tion from 2009 to 2014, was declared winner having secured about 34% of the ballots tallied with over 90% of the total vote counted.

Ricardo Lombana, who trailed in second place with about 25% of the vote, congratula­ted Mulino on his victory. — Reuters

 ?? ?? Jose Raul Mulino
Jose Raul Mulino

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