Otago Daily Times

Millar guides side to win in appalling conditions

Super Rugby


CAMERON Millar ignited his own career and helped the Highlander­s celebrate a moment of history on Saturday afternoon. The Highlander­s beat Moana Pasifika 2817 in shocking conditions in Nuku’alofa.

It was a big day for Tonga, which became the 11th nation to host a Super Rugby game, and for first five Millar.

The Taieri youngster has had a relatively uncertain start at this level of rugby, and he might have felt slightly queasy when he ran on to a field utterly waterlogge­d after a day of heavy rain in the kingdom.

Indeed, Millar promptly sent an early kick out on the full.

The rest of his game? Close to immaculate.

He ran to the line with style and timing, and showed off an excellent range of kicking skills. Another to shine was winger Connor GardenBach­op, who was involved in everything and revelled in some space out wide as the

Highlander­s scored a couple of cracking tries and handled well despite the inclement conditions. On the other side, Timoci Tavatavana­wai produced some phenomenal defensive work as the Highlander­s kept Moana scoreless in the second half. Up front, Billy Harmon and Sean Withy delivered their usual shifts, and Jermaine Ainsley was commanding when he came off the bench.

Moana had much — certainly not all — of the vibrant crowd behind them, but they made far too many errors and committed some silly fouls.

Still, it was a wonderful moment for Tonga, and there must be some expectatio­n that Super Rugby will return regularly.

The Highlander­s were coming off a ghastly performanc­e that included 20 handling errors in a 76 win over the Force — and that was in perfect conditions at the Dunedin stadium.

No wonder, then, that the sight of shocking weather in Nuku'alofa made everyone a little nervous as they anticipate­d a grim spectacle.

Instead, the first half was entertaini­ng as both teams showed a willingnes­s to chance their arm.

There were always going to be plenty of mistakes — you would need to be something other than human to hold on to a rugby ball for 40 minutes in those conditions — but there was also plenty of good rugby.

The first few minutes were messy as there was an injury delay when Tavatavana­wai ran right over Moana halfback Jonathan Taumateine, and the Highlander­s got a couple of early mistakes out of their system.

But then things got interestin­g. Moana produced a huge scrum, then the opening try to Otago prop Abraham Pole.

That was quickly followed by an error from the home side that led to Jacob Ratumaitav­ukiKneepke­ns getting his sixth try for the Highlander­s.

Neither side could get a smooth lineout operating as the rain pelted down, but Moana were enjoying scrum time, where the Highlander­s could not seem to get their mechanics correct. Moana held a 105 lead with 17 minutes left in the half when everything seemed to happen all at once.

GardenBach­op, who had his best game in a Highlander­s jersey, scored after a few phases of lovely handling.

Moana then delighted their soaked fans with a breakout from well inside their own half that included a potential knockon but led to a William Havili try.

Just before halftime, the Highlander­s produced a remarkable piece of rugby in the conditions. Millar, who grew in confidence as the game progressed, lobbed over a cross kick, GardenBach­op caught and chipped ahead, and the lethal Ratumaitav­ukiKneepke­ns showed stunning handling skills to scoop and score again.

The Highlander­s also showed admirable composure in a goalline defensive stand to take a 1917 lead into halftime.

They started the second spell with real vigour, too, and went further ahead with a couple of Millar penalties.

Moana got into serious discipline trouble — it was perhaps a surprise nobody was binned after as series of infringeme­nts — and the Highlander­s stayed focused as the final quarter approached. The home side butchered a rare attacking lineout opportunit­y and there was a sense the game was rather fizzling out. That suited the Highlander­s just fine. They needed this win, badly, and they sealed it when Millar landed another three.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Highlander­s first five Cameron Millar kicks for position during his side’s Super Rugby Pacific match between Moana Pasifika in Nuku’alofa on Saturday.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Highlander­s first five Cameron Millar kicks for position during his side’s Super Rugby Pacific match between Moana Pasifika in Nuku’alofa on Saturday.

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