Otago Daily Times

To the point


HOW disappoint­ing that one member of Southern District Health Board does not publicly support Covid19 vaccinatio­n (ODT, 9.10.21).My expectatio­n of all board members is that they have an understand­ing of science and support good science. If they do not support good healthy outcomes for us all then they probably should not be on SDHB. David Fortune

Te Anau

PITY so many of our lighthouse­s are now automated as they would have been the ideal place to put the antivaxxer­s. The rest of the population would be safe from them, and they might even see the light? John B. Kennedy


AM I correct in thinking that some years ago the Government required all city councils throughout New Zealand to set aside a portion of our rate money to help cover the maintenanc­e and replacemen­t of drinking and waste water infrastruc­ture? To me this would be a sensible and normal thing to do but never happens. Brian Pollock


IT simply cannot be right to deny people who are New Zealand citizens the ability to come home. This is where they live; they have been caught by circumstan­ces not of their making yet they are being denied a very basic right. Robin Dicey


I HAVE fond memories of my first school days in 1937 under the kindly charge of Miss Elder. That was at the 134yearold Arthur St School infants' building in Dunedin. Logic and sentiment demand that this historic building must remain onsite! Clarke Isaacs


‘‘To the point’’ letters on brief, topical comments may be exempt from our normal publicatio­n guidelines, particular­ly the 14 days between letters rule. Email address: odt.editor@odt.co.nz

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