Otago Daily Times

Networks cut Trump short


NEW YORK: Six television networks began showing President Donald Trump’s briefing on the Covid19 outbreak yesterday, but only Fox News stuck it out to the end nearly two hours later.

It was a notable turning point in coverage of the president’s nowdaily briefings.

Networks had been hearing criticism of how much time they have been showing Trump fielding questions live, reminiscen­t of a similar past debate about showing Trump’s campaign rallies.

ABC, CBS and NBC all covered Trump at the start of yesterday’s briefing, which began about 6.10pm Eastern time in the US. After 20 minutes, they switched to the network evening newscasts. The president spoke until shortly after 8pm.

The cable news networks have given Trump blanket coverage for his briefings, but CNN cut away yesterday about 7.20pm (local time). MSNBC followed within five minutes.

Of its own decision to stop showing Trump live, CNN said ‘‘if the White House wants to ask for time on the network, they should make an official request. Otherwise we will make our own editorial decisions.’’

MSNBC said ‘‘we cut away because the informatio­n no longer appeared to be valuable to the important ongoing discussion around public health’’.

The network’s top star, Rachel Maddow, had said on Friday (local time) ‘‘all of us should stop broadcasti­ng it, honestly . . . it’s going to cost lives’’.

Washington Post media critic Margaret Sullivan said the briefings were beginning to sound like Trump’s campaign rallies, and were working against the goal of giving the public critical, truthful informatio­n. — AP

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Donald Trump gives a coronaviru­s briefing at the White House yesterday.
PHOTO: REUTERS Donald Trump gives a coronaviru­s briefing at the White House yesterday.

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