Otago Daily Times

More aggressive tactics needed, WHO says


LONDON: The coronaviru­s pandemic is accelerati­ng and more aggressive tactics are needed to fight it, the World Health Organisati­on has warned.

The WHO said there were now more than 381,000 confirmed cases worldwide. The first 100,000 were reported in the first 67 days of the virus, the second 100,000 cases came 11 days later and the next 100,000 cases just four days after that, the global health body said.

WHO director general Tedros

Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said there were also ‘‘alarming’’ reports of health workers getting sick.

He said he would be contacting the G20 heads of state to solve the global shortage of protective gear for health workers.

Covid19 cases had now been reported to WHO from almost every country in the world, he said yesterday.

‘‘The pandemic is accelerati­ng . . . but we’re not prisoners to statistics. ‘‘We’re not helpless bystanders. ‘‘We can change the trajectory of the Covid19 pandemic.’’

Dr Ghebreyesu­s said asking people to stay home and other physical distancing measures were important to slow the coronaviru­s, but stressed they were defensive measures.

‘‘To win, we need to attack the coronaviru­s with aggressive and targeted tactics — testing every suspected Covid19 case, isolating and caring for every confirmed case, and tracing and quarantini­ng every close contact,’’ he said.

He acknowledg­ed measures placed to slow the spread of the virus might have unintended consequenc­es by exacerbati­ng crucial protective gear shortages.

‘‘I will be addressing heads of state from the G20 countries,’’ he said.

‘‘I will be asking them to work together to increase production, avoid export bans and ensure equity of distributi­on on the basis of need.’’— BPA

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