Otago Daily Times

Drinkdrive­r hit vehicle


A drinkdrive­r who crashed into the back of a vehicle that had stopped for a red traffic light said he thought the light was green for him. And he did not think there would be any damage to the vehicle so he did not stop to check, the court heard.

Justin Paul Donohue (26), chef, of Dunedin, had been convicted of three charges from the incident — driving with a breathalco­hol level of 1080mcg, careless driving and failing to stop and see if anyone had been injured after the vehicle he was driving was involved in a noninjury accident.

He had pleaded guilty.

The summary said Donohue was driving in Princes St, about 9.30pm on May 30, after having some afterwork drinks. At the intersecti­on with Jetty St, he ran into the back of a car that had stopped for a red traffic light.

He did not stop but carried on along Princes St.

A member of the public contacted police and, on her cellphone, provided updates as to Donohue’s location.

Spoken to at his home, Donohue stated he had two glasses of wine at his workplace before driving. He also explained why he did not stop and said he thought the traffic light had been green for him.

Counsel Noel Rayner said Donohue, in addition to what he had to drink at work, had some drinks in his car because of issues in his life at the time. He was remorseful.

Judge Michael Crosbie noted Donohue had three previous drinkdrive conviction­s — in 1993, 1995 and 2005. He also noted Donohue said he had not missed alcohol since being on bail and felt healthier for it.

Donohue was sentenced to four months’ home detention (with six months’ postdetent­ion conditions), and disqualifi­ed from driving for 18 months (with zeroalcoho­l licence provisions).

And when he has served two months’ of his home detention, he has leave to apply to convert the balance to community detention and community work.

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