Otago Daily Times

Consultati­on on tower questioned


CONSTRUCTI­ON of a new Spark cellphone tower in Wanaka has irked a nearby resident, who says he was not consulted.

Foundation­s are being laid for the 11m tower to be built on road reserve on Mt Aspiring Rd, near the corner of Bills Way.

While it had been issued a certificat­e of compliance to do so by the Queenstown Lakes District Council, resident Barry Bruce questioned the lack of consultati­on from Spark.

‘‘I got a letter in August from Spark saying what their plans were, but I seem to have been the only one. I spoke to the other residents last week and they hadn’t even heard about it.

‘‘I know it’s on road reserve but I wonder what thoughts Spark had given to the local residents before going ahead with this,’’ Mr Bruce said.

‘‘We live in an age where we have pretty tight rules around what we can and cannot do in terms of the Resource Management Act, yet something which can have quite detrimenta­l visual amenities can just be plonked there as of right.’’

Spark lead corporate relations partner Michelle Baguley said the company had ‘‘consulted at length on this site’’ and exhausted all other options for the location of the tower.

‘‘The location on Mt Aspiring Road has been specifical­ly chosen after months of research and network design as it can provide mobile service to the local subdivisio­n and nearby campsites.

‘‘We do understand Mr Bruce’s concerns, and it’s a constant balancing act for us to meet the growing needs of the wider community while managing the expectatio­ns of others.’’

Ms Baguley said Spark had not received any complaints from anyone other than Mr Bruce and had ‘‘full support’’ from the council and the Wanaka Community Board for the project, which she said was needed to keep up with the everincrea­sing demand for mobile services in the town.

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