Otago Daily Times

Dairy farm values down 18% on year ago


OVERALL farm sales this spring have eased more than 7% on a year ago and dairy farm prices per hectare fell more than 18% during the same period.

Total farm sales for the quarter to September were 1460 properties, which was down 12.4% on a year ago. Dairying was down 8.4% farms, grazing properties down 11.4%, finishing 14.9% and 18.8% fewer arable farms.

The median dairy farm sales price per hectare, for the quarter to September, was $30,876, across 14 dairy farm sales, while a year ago the price was $37,817 across 22 farm sales.

Real Estate Institute of New Zealand rural spokesman Brian Peacocke said dairying’s median price had declined 18.3% during the past year. A median dairy farm size was 178ha.

He said five of 14 regions across the country had recorded increases for the quarter to September.

While farm sales volumes had eased on a year ago, Mr Peacocke said it was ‘‘significan­t’’ that sales volumes were down 35% compared with two years ago.

‘‘Reflecting on the extremely difficult onfarm conditions experience­d 12 months ago, the early spring of 2018 to date has been one of the best for a number of years, with sufficient rain to stimulate grass growth which has resulted in correspond­ing increases in production,’’ he said.

While most farmers were enjoying mild temperatur­es and contractor­s were busy with silage and crop planting, Mr Peacocke said cautious operators would maintain a close watch on rainfall, factoring in the possibilit­y of a dry period ahead, he said.


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