Otago Daily Times

Land of milk and permeate


IWAS reading the small print on a carton of milk recently. It claimed to have ‘‘no added permeate’’ and because it was ‘‘less processed’’ it claimed it had ‘‘more goodness’’.

I’d had a general notion that in those huge dairy factories our milk comes from, the milk was deconstruc­ted and put back together again during processing, but this notion of adding permeate puzzled me, so I asked Pat Silcock, senior research fellow and manager of the product developmen­t research centre of the department of food science at University of Otago.

Permeate is produced when milk or whey (a byproduct of cheesemaki­ng) is ultra filtered to remove protein concentrat­es, which are sold separately. It contains lactose (milk sugar) and vitamins and minerals, he said.

‘‘It has riboflavin in it, so it’s a yellowygre­en and because it has none of the casein in it, it’s clear. Casein is the main milk protein. It’s what makes the cheese curdle.’’

Why add it back to milk? It’s all about standardis­ation, he explains.

‘‘The compositio­n of milk changes through the seasons, depending on the quality of the feed, the breed and the stage of lactation of the cows.’’

In New Zealand, cows calve around the same time, unlike in the US where cows are made to calve at different times, so our milk varies in compositio­n more, he said.

‘‘We can get some quite large changes in compositio­n and this can pose some processing problems. It’s not so bad for production of pasteurise­d milk, but for producing spraydried milk at different stages of the year, you can get problems with the dryer, problems with the evaporator.’’

It was important to have a consistent compositio­n of milk going through the spraydryin­g equipment as it helped control the process, produced a more consistent product and smoothed out the cost of the raw materials, he said.

‘‘Essentiall­y, the cost of the milk is related to the protein content, so if you add permeate it decreases the protein content and so makes it cheaper. But it doesn’t change the protein content by that much.’’

The FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand) regulation­s allow processors to adjust the components of milk, such as lactose, protein, fat or vitamins and minerals, by adding or removing those components to produce a standardis­ed product. It also regulates the minimum fat and protein in milk for retail sale ( 3.2% fat for regular, 0.15% for skim milk and 3% protein for both).

When the tanker arrives at the factory the milk compositio­n is analysed, the cream taken off and some added back to achieve the fat content for the milk they are making; blue, light blue or green top. Permeate is often added to standardis­e the protein content, then they homogenise the milk, pasteurise it, and fill the containers, Mr Silcock explains.

Homogenisa­tion is when the size of the fat globules is reduced by forcing them under pressure through an orifice.

The smaller fat globules stay suspended in the milk, and don’t rise to the top as cream. That is why nonhomogen­ised milk, such as ‘‘farmhouse’’ (silver top) or artisanal milk, like Holy Cow milk sold at the Otago farmers market, still has the cream on top.

Pasteurisa­tion was introduced in the 19th century primarily to prevent the spread of tuberculos­is and other illness as raw milk was a high risk product, he said.

When milk is pasteurise­d it is held at 72degC for about 13 seconds. It kills pathogens and results in some change to the protein structure but it’s relatively minor change compared to the risk of not pasteurisi­ng, he said.

Pasteurisa­tion also inactivate­d some of the enzymes present in milk, which helped stability. Depending on the time of year, pasteurise­d milk could last for 20 to 30 days as long as it was kept properly chilled.

‘‘There are different points where it can have some temperatur­e increase, and the most common place is between the consumer buying it and getting it home, or taking it out to make a cup of coffee and discoverin­g it still sitting on the bench two hours later,’’ he said.

‘‘In pasteurise­d milk the pathogens, the foodpoison­ing organisms, have been killed. You can get postpasteu­risation contaminat­ion but in general what grows is spoilage organisms. Spoilage organisms make the product smell bad, they make curds form, you put it on your coffee and it goes lumpy. Generally that’s just going to annoy you that you’ve wasted your coffee but it won’t make you sick.’’

He is not a fan of raw milk as any food poisoning organisms that might be present would still be active. With internatio­nalisation, some bacteria had become more virulent than before. For example, some strains of E. coli caused foodborne illness now, but 50 years ago that wasn’t a problem, he said.

‘‘Some people say my grandparen­ts drank raw milk and never had a problem but it was collected at a point in time when these organisms weren’t a problem.’’

Essentiall­y, the cost of the milk is related to the protein content, so if you add permeate it decreases the protein content and so makes it cheaper

University of Otago department of food science senior research fellow and manager Pat Silcock

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