Otago Daily Times

Boost vitamin D levels this winter


ONE of the less enjoyable elements of modern life is that we spend so much time cooped up in offices. While we know this can wreak havoc on your posture (and probably doesn’t do much for your mental wellbeing either), you might have a bigger issue to worry about — vitamin D deficiency.

In New Zealand, the Ministry of Health says about 5% of Kiwis are deficient in vitamin D, which is essential for keeping teeth and bones healthy, regulating mood and improving resistance against winter ills. A further 27% are below the recommende­d blood level for vitamin D.

The best source of this vital vitamin is sunshine; when the sun’s UVB rays hit our skin, a reaction enables the cells to manufactur­e it.

The problem is many of us rarely see daylight during the colder months. Booking a twoweek holiday to the Bahamas would be ideal but, in reality, few of us have the time or money.

Regardless, now winter is almost here, it means fewer sunny days, so you need to be extra vigilant about getting enough of the good stuff. Here’s how to combat bleaker days and raise your vitamin D intake during the chill.

Bake some fatty fish

For a quick and healthy dinner, head to the fish aisle. Salmon, mackerel, herring and trout are brilliant sources of vitamin D that many of us don’t eat often enough. Just half a fillet of salmon has over 1000 IU of vitamin D, which is more than the daily recommende­d allowance for a person (according to government advice, we should all be aiming for 1000 IU in winter). Fresh fatty fish also supplies iron, zinc, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, in addition to a whole host of other nutrients you need for good health.

Drink a glass of fortified milk

Got milk? Then get swigging. According to research, a 200ml glass of whole milk contains at least 100 IU of vitamin D, a quarter of your daily optimum vitamin D intake. Not all milk products contain this essential vitamin, so look out for fortified varieties.

Order eggs at brunch

Dippy eggs and soldiers are more than just homely comfort food — they’re also great for, you guessed it, vitamin D. All the goodness in an egg comes from its yolk, so it’s important to use the whole egg and not just the whites. One egg will give you about 40 IU, which is a brilliant excuse to get stuck into this treat.

Add shiitake mushrooms to stir fry

In a similar way to humans, certain varieties of mushrooms can produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Research has uncovered that shiitake are the best at mimicking the process. There are thought to be 40 IU in 120g of the potent fungi, which might not sound like a huge amount, but when it comes to staying healthy — every little bit helps.

Take a supplement

Let’s face it, we’re all busy people, and one of the easiest ways to win at winter health is to simply take a supplement. Just don’t snack on them like lollies; taking high doses of the vitamin for long periods can lead to excessive buildup in the body, so keep a close eye on your numbers. — PA

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