Otago Daily Times

Differing views on cartoon


THE Tremain cartoon, (ODT, 29.5.17), contains a Koranic error which to some extent spoils a deeper significan­ce of the cartoon. In the Koran any Muslim martyr who kills an unbeliever, (i.e. anyone who is not a Muslim), is guaranteed an eternity in Muslim heaven with a bevy of beautiful blackeyed busty virgins and all the wine and food they can drink. I think the cartoon would have conveyed a greater irony and sense of justice if the Manchester bomber had gone to Muslim heaven, as per the Koranic promise, but been unwittingl­y duped out of his busty virgins, food and wine.

I applaud Tremain and the ODT for printing this cartoon which portrays the sort of evil which is deeply rooted in the Koran. I expect a Muslim cleric might well issue a Fatwa calling for heads to roll but at least we have the luxury of free speech and free expression to pillory religious nonsense. Oops, forgot about the blasphemy law which National and the Maori Party appear to want to hold on to. Why? Stewart Webster

Halfway Bush

WHAT is the matter with your editorial staff? A cartoon of the type of Tremain’s (ODT, 29.5.17) commenting on the Manchester tragedy is in appalling bad taste and should not have been published. This sort of humour makes us no better, in attitude, than the bomber who killed 22 people and maimed many more.

J. F. Barclay

Millers Flat

Lions’ welcome

YOUR picture on the front page (ODT, 1.6.17) of a hongi between Lions coach Warren Gatland and one of the Maori welcome party at Auckland epitomises the mutual respect between British and New Zealand rugby. It was disappoint­ing to read the trivial article you chose to print below regarding the Lions’ baggage. This illustrate­s the shallownes­s of journalism that we so often see these days. A shame to see it on the front page. Tony Merriman

Kew [Similar letters were received from Brian Lavelle, of Wanaka, and Harry Griffiths, of Dunedin.]

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