Otago Daily Times

MS no barrier for Ferguson


BOWLS has proved to be a lifeline for Betty Ferguson who suffers from multiple sclerosis. It has helped her to mix with other people.

MS is an autoimmune disease that attacks the nerves of the central nervous system and limits what people can do.

Ferguson (66) has been playing bowls for 25 years but she reached new heights last Sunday when she won her first Bowls Dunedin title.

‘‘It feels great,’’ Ferguson said.

‘‘I never thought I would win a centre title. I’ll be trying to get some more.’’

She was a member of the North East Valley women’s four with Kay Hammond, Vicki Robinson and Shona Mann that beat Carolyn West, Malia Tavite, Lesley Dabinett and Gloria Munro ( Forbury Park) 2018.

It was the first title for Robin son, second for Hammond and third for Mann.

The game demonstrat­ed the fitness, tenacity, perseveran­ce and resolve of Ferguson because the game lasted a marathon three hours and 45 minutes.

Ferguson was diagnosed with MS at the age of 28 and her worst years with the disease were from 28 to 40.

‘‘By the time I was 40 the biggest problem I had was just a limp. Bowls has helped me.

‘‘Bowls gets me out of the house. I’m getting exercise and not just sitting around at home.

‘‘Bowls is the only sport where I can play in a team. It gives me a chance to mix with other people.’’

When she first started, Ferguson only had the strength to send a bowl halfway down the green.

‘‘It became easier when I changed to slightly smaller bowls. They were easier for me to hold on to.’’

Ferguson joined the New Zealand Disabled Bowls Associatio­n two years ago and won a bronze medal in the triples when the New Zealand championsh­ips was played at St Clair two years ago.

Her target this year is to compete at the New Zealand disabled bowls championsh­ips in Palmerston North in November.

Ferguson proved her fitness during the final on Sunday.

‘‘I wasn’t tired at the end. I played better when I could hear the North East Valley supporters roaring for me.’’

Two days later, Ferguson was back on the green marking for the Bowls Dunedin veteran singles at the St Kilda green.

 ?? PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON. ?? ‘‘Bowls gets me out of the house’’ . . . Betty Ferguson (North East Valley) at the Bowls Dunedin veteran singles at the St Kilda club this week.
PHOTO: LINDA ROBERTSON. ‘‘Bowls gets me out of the house’’ . . . Betty Ferguson (North East Valley) at the Bowls Dunedin veteran singles at the St Kilda club this week.

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