Otago Daily Times

Alexandra District Court


A BANNOCKBUR­N woman who allowed her menacing dogs to roam free has admitted two charges after they attacked a man.

Alana Charmaine Makowharem­ahihi (49), shearer, appeared in the Alexandra District Court before Judge Dominic Flatley yesterday on the two charges, laid under the Dog Control Act 1996.

She was charged with being the owner of dogs, namely Spike, Nui and Rumble, that attacked a man in Cromwell on November 8; and, being the owner of the same dogs, which were classified as dangerous under section 31 of the Dog Control Act, allowing those dogs to be at large without being muzzled, also in Cromwell on November 8.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Grant Gerken said Makowharem­ahihi owned four dogs, which had previously been impounded seven times and were declared menacing under the Dog Control Act in 2015.

On November 8, she allowed the dogs to roam up to 1km from her rural property and three of them approached a man and bit him on the buttocks and thighs, causing puncture marks and bruising.

Police and a dog control officer attended the incident and the dogs were found to be unmuzzled, their registrati­on lapsed.

Sgt Gerken said Makowharem­ahihi had shown no remorse. Police sought an order to destroy the dogs and to forbid Makowharem­ahihi from owning dogs.

She was remanded until March

23 for sentencing.

65th and 66th conviction­s

A 25yearold Springvale man with 64 previous conviction­s was sentenced to community detention and intensive supervisio­n on a charge of male assaults female and a breach of community work.

Simon Jack Atherton punched a female in Alexandra on November 9. His counsel, Kieran Tohill, said Atherton said he had been provoked by someone who pushed him.

However, Judge Flatley said it was concerning Atherton had tried to shift the blame.

Atherton’s previous conviction­s were not for violent offending, but he accepted his reaction in this incident had been ‘‘excessive’’, Mr Tohill said.

Tshirt order

A defendant’s alcoholthe­med Tshirt drew a sharp rebuke from a judge during the defendant’s appearance on a drinkdrivi­ng charge yesterday.

When Matthew Noel Michael Ross (18), farm worker, of Waimumu, entered the dock wearing a Jack Daniels Tshirt, Judge Flatley ordered him to leave the courtroom and turn his shirt inside out.

‘‘You just don’t get it, do you?’’ Judge Flatley said.

Ross complied and was convicted of refusing to permit a blood specimen to be taken on November 13 in Clyde, sentenced to 40 hours’ community work and dis qualified from driving for six months.

Sixth offence

Jarku Raymond Wallace was convicted of his sixth offence of driving while disqualifi­ed and ‘‘only just’’ escaped imprisonme­nt.

Wallace (27), of Alexandra, had driven while disqualifi­ed in Alexandra on September 15 and, dishonestl­y and without claim of right but not to be guilty of theft, taken a Toyota Starlet car worth $1000 in Alexandra on the same day, the court heard.

He was also charged with possessing an offensive weapon in Invercargi­ll on June 5.

Judge Flatley said Wallace had a ‘‘blatant disregard’’ for the law and had ‘‘only just’’ avoided prison.

He sentenced him to six months’ community detention and 12 months’ intensive supervisio­n and said if he did not comply with the conditions of the sentence and was brought back before the court, he would be sent to prison.

Wallace was already indefinite­ly disqualifi­ed from driving but was further disqualifi­ed for 12 months from February 11.

Other conviction­s

Matthew John Graeve (25), of Alexandra, possession of cannabis (58g of dried cannabis), Alexandra, December 31, 60 hours’ community work.

Daryl Leslie Reid (30), heavy trucktrail­er driver, of Cromwell,

AAcareless driving causing injury, Cromwell, August 17, fined $500, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed six months, reparation $750 ($348 actual reparation and the remainder emotional harm reparation).

Laura Evelyn Hepburn (31), of Alexandra, drinkdrivi­ng, 1026mcg, Alexandra, December 31, fined $1100, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed eight months.

Samuel James Purvis (35), farmer, of Tarras, drinkdrivi­ng, 1008mcg, Cromwell, December 27, fined $1100, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed eight months.

Gerard Francis Rogatski (67), of Alexandra, drinkdrivi­ng, 642mcg, Alexandra, December 12, fined $650, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed six months.

Mervyn Nelson Shaw (43), farmer, of Cromwell, drinkdrivi­ng, 177mg, Cromwell, November 27, fined $1100, court costs $130, analyst’s fee $199.05, disqualifi­ed eight months.

Amber Maree Newton (27), cleaner, of Dunedin, drinkdrivi­ng, 491mcg, Cromwell, December 17, fined $550, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed six months.

Julia Takiwa (50), shearer, of Taumarunui, drinkdrivi­ng, 552mcg, Alexandra, October 28, fined $600, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed six months.

Erika Gabriela GalazBerna­l (31), labourer, Chilean national living in Cromwell, 772mcg, Cromwell, January 1, fined $800, court costs $130, disqualifi­ed six months.


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