NZ Performance Car


- Marcus Gibson Email: marcus@performanc­ Instagram: marcus_momowerks

Wow, last month it looks like I really struck a chord with a lot of people. Judging by the number of messages I received about last month’s editorial, a lot of you agree with what I was saying regarding not everyone needing to build monster power machines. So, thanks to anyone that took the time to reach out and let me know your thoughts on the subject.

It got me thinking: if I can get that many of you to holla about what I’m writing in my ed, can I also extract the same amount of feedback about the content direction of NZPC? It’s something that plays on my mind all the time, ensuring what we deliver is what you want to read. After all, it’s you guys that read the mag month in, month out. So … here is your chance to have your say. Grab that pen and paper, fire up that email machine, or, hell, even an FB chat to the NZPC page will suffice. Let me know what you’d like to read about each month, be it more tech, more how-tos, more history, or simply more pages of events, feature cars, or whatever! If you take the time to have your say, I will listen. I’m really giving you guys the chance to shape the magazine’s future for the better, so get at me! Come on, don’t be shy.

Furthermor­e, this brings me to an exciting announceme­nt: we have started a Facebook group based around tech support. A place to share your builds, ask advice, and fill that head of yours with all manner of knowledge. Like all good Facebook groups we dream it will grow into something that can serve as a resource for one and all, and with the help of some great minds, the advice being dished out will be trustworth­y and sound, so you can sidestep all that misinforma­tion you’ll find on the net. If it sounds like

something that could be useful to you, jump on good old FB and you’ll find what you seek on our page. Its early days with it all, but watch this space!

They say a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, which is exactly how I feel at the moment when it comes to my speedway engine build. Playing with pistons is a new thing for an old rotor-head like myself, but I’m enjoying the challenge, and my brain has been on fire for the last month or two figuring it all out. Having torn down two different engines, the first being a Duratec and the second a K20 (I decided to go Honda for a few reasons), it’s been interestin­g to note the difference­s internally and start to see why the K20 in particular is so celebrated. Being so far out of my element is scary, but exciting at the same time. After a month or two of going back and forth I finally locked in my choices for parts and laid down the 16 digits of my worn, old credit card. All going well, the balance of parts will arrive this month and combine by my own hands under the watchful eye of some talented Honda gurus to create a two-litre screamer for my F2 Midget. We will be running a tech feature on it, kicking off on page 64, so if you’re interested to see a race engine go together keep an eye out if you’re a tech head. And don’t worry I have some very talented and qualified guys helping me out as always.

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