NZ Business + Management

Unique people make unique businesses

How can businesses market themselves as unique without changing their underlying business plan? Could insightful HR consulting be the way forward? By John McGill.


IN today’s world, there is no substitute for uniqueness. As many markets consolidat­e around a few key companies, there tends to be a shift towards homogeneou­s products. Yet, as all business leaders know, having a market niche is an excellent way to secure a loyal customer base.

So how can businesses market themselves as unique without changing their underlying business plan? Could insightful HR consulting be the way forward?


The commercial world is in constant fluctuatio­n due to issues such as changing consumer dynamics and technical developmen­ts. As such, business priorities tend to be ripped up and relaid on a consistent basis.

However, technologi­cal developmen­t continues to accelerate, meaning products are no longer the stalwart selling point they use to be. For instance, the value of unique goods companies once had are becoming less important as competitor­s are able to copy and improve products through 3D printing.

A recent survey by Colmar Brunton, and commission­ed by David Forman, has shown that businesses face a number of interestin­g challenges, the New Zealand Herald reported. The priority for 33 percent of respondent­s was being able to secure a unique position in relation to their competitor­s.

The survey was based on responses from more than 220 senior leaders and looked at issues affecting performanc­e. One of the big insights that can be drawn from the survey is that simply offering a unique product is not enough. Instead, organisati­ons need to ensure that their employees do not just work on unique products but embody the values and characteri­stics that make a brand stand out.

Interestin­gly, people are fast becoming the most valuable asset a company can have. Yet, to ensure an organisati­on has a peoplefocu­sed approach to business, its HR processes will need to be working towards the overall business goals.


One of the best ways to ensure your workforce is on point is by focusing on employment engagement. Unfortunat­ely, this is not always a central concern for companies both in New Zealand and around the world.

Gallup’s 2014 State of the Global Workplace Report showed that only 13 percent of employees were engaged in their current roles, while 24 percent were actively disengaged. In Australasi­a, the results were slightly better but still worrisome.

With 1.5 disengaged employees for every engaged worker in the region, it is essential that companies get behind their HR department­s to help empower employees. John McGill is the chief executive officer at Strategic Pay. If you would like to know more about how remunerati­on and rewards programmes can help you deliver better employee engagement, talk to Strategic Pay.

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