New Zealand Woman's Weekly

Turkey platter


SERVES 10-12

This year I’ve used an old trick for cooking the Christmas turkey – an oven bag! It really is the best way to achieve a turkey that’s both moist and flavourful and, even better, this method results in an instant gravy!

3 tbsp flour

1 tsp sea salt, plus extra

½ tsp cracked black pepper

1 x XL oven bag

3.5- sized turkey – use a

good-quality bird

2 cups fresh breadcrumb­s

¼ cup herbs (I used parsley and sage), finely chopped medium onion, grated 4 tbsp butter, melted

1 / cup red or white wine 3

2 cups greens, to serve

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved Parsley, chopped, to garnish

1 Preheat oven to 180oC.

2 Mix the flour with salt and black pepper. Toss into the oven bag, shaking to distribute.

3 Pat the turkey dry inside and out. Season the cavity with more salt, then stuff with breadcrumb­s, mixed herbs, grated onion and half of the butter. Brush the remaining butter over the skin of the turkey; sprinkle over some extra salt, then place it in the oven bag. Pour the wine into the bag. Secure it closed with a tie and pierce once to allow steam to escape, according to its instructio­ns.

4 Cook until the timer pops or for 15-20 minutes per 500g of bird. Rest for 20 minutes before cutting away the bag, capturing the gravy that will have formed. 5 Carve and pull the turkey apart and arrange it on a large serving platter with the greens and stuffing. I like to remove the breasts and carve them into slices first, then remove the wings and legs. Garnish with cherry tomatoes and chopped parsley. Serve with gravy.

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