New Zealand Woman's Weekly

Digesting DAZE



You try to eat healthy, but the descriptio­ns of some foods on sale at the supermarke­t are starting to confuse you. For example, what is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics?

I must be honest. Should I be invited onto Mastermind, this would not be my specialist subject. So, I have consulted Medical News Today. Prebiotics are a type of fibre that the human body can’t digest. They are present in fibre-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and wholegrain­s. Probiotics turn up in yoghurt, fermented foods such as sauerkraut and fermented cheeses such as Gouda. Prebiotics are thought to serve as a food for probiotics, which are tiny living microorgan­isms such as bacteria and yeast. Studies have found that probiotics may improve digestive health in some people. Both prebiotics and probiotics may support good bacteria and other gut organisms. They may help promote beneficial bacteria by providing food and creating an environmen­t for microorgan­isms to flourish. They may support the body in building and maintainin­g a healthy colony of bacteria and other micro-organisms. Phew! I hope that helps.

You live next door to a rental property where the tenants frequently forget to put out their rubbish. As a result, their back garden is filling with plastic rubbish bags full of household litter. Your concern is the increasing nasty smell and the likelihood of rats being attracted. You’ve approached them but they don’t care. What can be done?

Contact the property owner and vent your dissatisfa­ction. If that doesn’t work, see your local council. They will advise you of the appropriat­e bylaws. Most councils will not permit property owners to have anything on their property that threatens health and safety or attracts vermin. Foul smells can also constitute a “nuisance” which council can act on. But don’t expect action overnight. Council will probably write to the neighbours asking them to take action within a reasonable amount of time. If the neighbours don’t respond, then eventually council can threaten with prosecutio­n. Prior to court they also have the option of clearing the mess up themselves and charging the property owners. Good luck.

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Do you have for question a nzww@ Kevin? Email bauermed r) or Consume (Subject line: WW, Bauer post to: NZ Bag Media, Private Auckland 92512, 1036.

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