New Zealand Woman's Weekly





Mar 21 – Apr 20

This week, in all areas of your life just be a little more attentive and perhaps up your game, especially if you’re in a sporting competitio­n. It might seem like you have it in the bag, but the opposition has a trick or two up their sleeve, so be aware and vigilant. This could also be applied to work and love.


Apr 21 – May 21

You have issues about an arrangemen­t to get off your chest, but is it really worth it? Everyone else is comfortabl­e with how things are, so think about it before you do battle. Do you want to win the fight or the war? It’s time to take a partner or lover out for a romantic date as they are feeling a little neglected.


May 22 – Jun 21

You are surrounded by a great deal of laughter and happiness this week, and people will be making an effort to keep you happy. There is some work to be done on the exterior of your home. Be aware that some unexpected guests will turn up from out of town, but a good time will be had by all.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

You could cry about it or you could hit the gym. Tears will bring some relief, but won’t quite be as satisfying as a more difficult workout class than usual. Tiring yourself out is the best way to beat the blues. The week will end with you feeling on a high and that all is well with the world.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Real estate plays a big part in your week. You’ll either explore buying and/or selling, or a friend asks for your help in her bid to sell as you have an eye for detail. The relationsh­ip with an older woman in your life is changing and she is becoming more understand­ing of what you are trying to achieve.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Things will be fastpaced and demanding, especially in your love life. A lover has all sorts of things planned for the next few weeks, but you aren’t quite used to such a social whirl. There’s a list of family and friends to see and you’ll want to gently suggest you don’t need to visit everyone with him.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

It seems you are going to jump into something, boots and all. There also seems to be an event or gathering that is very different to your usual kind of thing. You will be in the limelight simply because you turned up and it was not expected. There are new friends to be made and a new interest to explore.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Setting your alarm and getting up early each morning will make a difference to how much you get done this week. Or, start work an hour earlier and negotiate to leave an hour earlier. Work out a solution that suits you, then use the extra time to go to the gym or get your personal business done.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

Keep contact with friends to an absolute minimum this week. You have a list of things to do that’s a mile long and, whatever you’re doing, this could either be the week from hell or the best progress ever. Right now you need to be able to move quickly if the need arises, so catch up with friends at the weekend.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

You are fired up this week and your partner or new lover will be receptive to romance. Take it out of town or at least switch off the mobiles. Time together without distractio­n is important. If love is not on your radar, then get passionate about something you want to do. What you achieve will be amazing.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

This is a good time to get involved in your neighbourh­ood or local community. It doesn’t have to be in a big or political way, just something you can do that makes a difference. Go out and about, visit local markets, be a regular and just get to know people. It will pay dividends later.

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