New Zealand Woman's Weekly

It’s in the STARS



GEMINI May 22 – Jun 21

Being community minded is a good thing and if you are in politics, it is a particular­ly good time to get out and about. People will take notice – you have a charismati­c energy at the moment. If you’re not in politics, then use this charm for love as you can have anyone in the room you desire! CANCER

Jun 22 – Jul 23

Be a leader and step up. By taking the lead, you are putting yourself in a very good position for the future. You have a way of explaining what you want and getting people on board. Drive yourself a little bit harder – you’re capable of far more than you are achieving right now. LEO

Jul 24 – Aug 23

Check your batteries and sim card. Reset all your passwords and clean out your devices. Delete all those unwanted selfies and food pictures. You’ll soon be travelling and will need the extra space. It does take a little bit of effort, but having a technology spring clean leaves you feeling quite wonderful. VIRGO

Aug 24 – Sep 23

You planned it, now execute it! Of course, that’s the hard bit. Planning has its issues with logistics, timing, research and getting everything you need in one place. The thing is, because of your immaculate planning and organisati­on, the project will go smoothly and without a hitch.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

Why not spend an hour before bed-time doing something different. It might be study, a creative project, some kind of spiritual regime or meditation. If you want to pen a book, write for an hour before you go sleep. By the end of the week, you will see a great deal of progress. SCORPIO

Oct 24 – Nov 22

Going out on the razzle is fun. Seeing friends and checking out new places and faces is an exciting adventure. However, you might find yourself feeling a little bit jaded by the end of the week. You will be craving comfort food and a night in front of the TV in your pyjamas. SAGITTARIU­S

Nov 23 – Dec 22

Keep an eye on yourself this week. Do you agree to things you don’t feel like doing? Are there things you want to do but find yourself short of time and energy, and have to say no? Give yourself the breathing space to think about your decision. If an immediate answer is needed, the answer is no! CAPRICORN

Dec 23 – Jan 20

There are going to be some changes in rules, regulation­s and policies that will affect your business or how you operate in your chosen field. There will be a need to have your credential­s updated and a study of manuals will be in order. It all sounds very difficult, but it is not as hard as you think.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

A friend may ask for your help. You really do not want to delve too deeply into what is happening around her. By all means, offer a shoulder to cry on, along with some sympathy and empathy, but don’t get drawn into the situation. There is nothing you can do about it. PISCES

Feb 20 – Mar 20

You’re in battle mode and taking no prisoners. You are on a mission and you will succeed, no matter what. How awesome is that? Energies are high and if this is to do with sport, especially a team effort, then the sky is the limit. You will be a driving force and the win will be because of your efforts. ARIES

Mar 21 – Apr 20 Relatives and friends seem to think that you are running a B&B. It may be you are in the city and it is convenient for people to stay or you live in the country “on the way to somewhere”. Wherever you are, this is getting out of hand, so keep a list of nearby motels on hand.

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