New Zealand Woman's Weekly





Mar 21 – Apr 20

Be a careful, your inhibition­s are low at the moment and you could be tempted to do something outside your normal routine. Of course do be careful because it will also affect your love life. You might approach someone you would never have dreamed of before and they just might surprise you!


Apr 21 – May 21

Get out the bridal books, make a folder for dresses, receptions and the wedding theme. You will enjoy looking at all the traditiona­l dresses, venues, invitation­s, but no matter how much friends try and in uence you, you will opt for a very different look for your wedding.


May 22 – Jun 21

It would be a good idea to keep your thoughts in check. Let other people speak and see where they stand rst. You will nd that they are so far away from your way of thinking that it might not be worth saying anything at this point. Wait for a few days and see if there is any movement in their thinking.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

A new acquaintan­ce may have asked for a loan. Be wary, this might be the only time they pay you back. A family member has a windfall and will be over the moon. It is a good time for you nancially, so ask yourself if your money is working for you. There are pro ts to be made.


Jul 24 – Aug 23 Informatio­n overload! Everyone wants to explain things in detail. Use the recording feature on your smart phone as you are not going to remember everything. Also, ask people to email instructio­ns, and especially to note timelines and deadlines. It is the only way to handle things at this time.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

Take it easy – plan or do nothing at all. You have been working at a very frenzied pace and need to slow it down. Otherwise, you will crash and burn, and then nothing will get done. You are a little more sensitive than usual and people will be able to get under your skin so much more easily if you let them.


Sep 24 – Oct 23 If someone asks you to do something, make sure to negotiate hours and rates of pay before you start, particular­ly if it is for family or friends. Find out what their expectatio­ns are – sometimes people want more than can be delivered. If you feel it is going to be a nightmare, recommend someone else.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Try a new gym, exercise regime or do a couple of rounds of the park or the roof garden. It is the perfect week for a detox or a cleanse as you are in a good mindset. Also get your eyes tested, dental checks and anything else on your checklist. Do it this week and you’re good for the rest of the year.


Nov 23 – Dec 22

You are almost bending over backwards to get things done, but other colleagues are not doing so much, yet they are getting more praise than you. It is time to make sure you are seen doing the extra work and make a report each week outlining what you have achieved.


Dec 23 – Jan 20

There is a temptation to scoop up a gorgeous cat or dog at the pet store. Instead, go out to the shelter and do some volunteer work – you will soon fall in love and not be able to resist. There is also the potential of new love – just make sure they like dogs and/or cats, reptiles or whatever it is you have.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

There will be a couple of love interests circling around, but you’re not interested. Neither of them are what you are looking for. You will be focusing on work, which will take a lot of time and energy, and possibly some study. Don’t be surprised if you are asked to be team leader or supervisor.

Happy birthday!

Lovable Name chef xxx, xxx Ainsley Harriott turns 60 on Tuesday, and there will be a lot of work and laughter ahead.

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