New Zealand Listener

Wordsworth Gabe Atkinson

- By Gabe Atkinson

its brief spell on the UN Security Council. by Robert G Patman

Readers were invited this week to send us a brief obituary for a fictional character of their choice.

From Elizabeth Wright of New Plymouth: Harry Potter’s life was short/ Young nemesis of Voldemort/Fond of casting spells and such/He dabbled with his wand too much. Barry Grant of Christchur­ch writes: Here (sometimes) lies Count Dracula/Who lived a death spectacula­r. Dunedin’s Dianna Rule:

The sudden death of Arkady Renko/Is reminiscen­t of Litvinenko/ The KGB will, just before dark/Bury him in Gorky Park.

Max Reid of Dunedin: News spread fast that Dave had passed,/His whanau gathered round him./”Taken too soon. Just seventeen.”/ Their words of grief surround him./’Twas only when young Dave walked in,/ Their error was revealed/As Dave held up his full licence/In plastic, signed and sealed.

The entry from Porirua’s Daphne Tobin was inspired by My Grandfathe­r’s Clock, an old song by Henry Clay Work: An old timepiece has ceased to chime; nine decades had it laboured./Too tall for any shelf, it dwelt in the hall by the room that Grandad favoured./Last night its ticking and its chiming ceased with one accord./ Perhaps it sensed that, nearby, Grandad no longer snored.

The winner is a grim account by Robyn Gillies of Geraldine: They buried Goldilocks today,/ That little girl who ran away/From the owners of the house she wrecked,/A naughty child with no respect./ Her casket’s not too big or tight,/She would be pleased: it fits just right.

For the next contest, send us a brief poem beginning with this line by Robert W Service: I opened wide the bathroom door... Entries, for the prize below, close at noon on Thursday, March 30.

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