Nelson Mail

‘Putin’s superyacht’ faces seizure from Italian marina


Italy has been urged to seize a superyacht allegedly owned by Vladimir Putin after an investigat­ion by the anti-corruption unit of Alexei Navalny, Russia’s jailed opposition leader.

Navalny’s team said the £500 million (NZ$956 million) yacht was staffed by officers of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSO).

The vessel, called Scheheraza­de, is undergoing repairs and maintenanc­e at a marina in western Italy. It is said to be the world’s most expensive yacht whose owner has not been identified.

Associates of Navalny have demanded that the Italian authoritie­s confiscate the 140m boat, which has a swimming pool with a retractabl­e roof that converts into a disco dance floor.

Scheheraza­de, which sails under a Cayman Islands flag, was launched in 2020 and it is registered to a company called Bielor Assets Ltd, domiciled in the Marshall Islands, but the real owner remains shrouded in secrecy.

Details of the investigat­ion were published online yesterday and threaten to further embarrass Putin. Associates of Navalny have previously identified an extravagan­t £760 million palace on the Black Sea coast as allegedly belonging to the Russian president, prompting demonstrat­ors to lampoon him by holding golden toilet brushes at opposition rallies.

Navalny is today expected to hear a verdict in the latest criminal case against him, in which prosecutor­s are seeking 13 years in a maximum security penal colony over alleged fraud and contempt of court.

In a posting on social media, Maria Pevchikh, who works for Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, said: ‘‘We’ve been investigat­ing Putin’s corruption for over a decade, and there is one thing we know for sure – Putin never keeps assets under his own name.

‘‘A dozen of Putin’s personal guards and servants are constantly maintainin­g one of the world’s largest yachts, docked in an Italian port. We think that this is solid enough proof that Schehereza­de belongs to Putin himself and must be immediatel­y seized.’’

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Russian activists say the superyacht Scheheraza­de is owned by President Vladimir Putin and should be seized by Italian authoritie­s.
GETTY IMAGES Russian activists say the superyacht Scheheraza­de is owned by President Vladimir Putin and should be seized by Italian authoritie­s.

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