Nelson Mail

Tourist’s error caused crash

- Samantha Gee

A United States man on a motorcycle tour was riding on the wrong side of the road before a head-on collision that seriously injured his wife, a court has heard.

Joseph George Pezzuti, 59, pleaded guilty to a charge of carelessly operating a motor vehicle causing injury when he appeared in the Nelson District Court on Monday.

The court heard that on November 19, Pezzuti and his wife, a pillion passenger, were riding on Motueka River West Bank Rd about 8am. After a short distance, Pezzuti realised they were heading in the wrong direction, and did a U-turn to head towards Nelson.

After turning, Pezzuti mistakenly began to ride in the wrong lane. A short time later, while rounding a bend, he collided with a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.

Pezzuti’s wife required surgery at Nelson Hospital to repair a broken kneecap, femur and tibia. The driver of the other vehicle was taken to hospital with whiplash and minor bruising.

In explanatio­n, Pezzuti said he felt horrible for causing the crash and didn’t know why he had been on the wrong side of the road.

The couple arrived in New Zealand on November 9 and were due to fly home on Monday, but they would have to wait until his wife had medical clearance to fly.

Defence lawyer John Sandston said Pezzuti had the ability to pay a fine and had insurance to cover the damage to the other vehicle, so no reparation was sought.

‘‘This is a situation that he feels terrible about. It was an error of judgment. He takes full responsibi­lity, and he has apologised to the other driver and, obviously, apologised to his wife.’’

Judge Tony Zohrab convicted Pezzuti, fined him $500 and disqualifi­ed him from driving for six months.

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