Nelson Mail

Councillor faces investigat­ion


‘‘I should not have reacted the way I did, and I unreserved­ly apologise to the councillor­s concerned and the wider public,’’ Rutledge said in yesterday’s statement.

He said his reaction was ‘‘not in keeping with [his] values or the values of council’’.

Rutledge said he had seen up close ‘‘the incredible hours and effort, literally blood, sweat and tears’’ that Meg Rutledge and Natureland staff had put into the park. ‘‘When the decision was made to remove funding from Natureland down to a level I know puts all the good work and future potential of the facility at grave risk, I accept I oversteppe­d the mark and said things that were not appropriat­e, and for that I apologise to all involved.’’

Natureland had applied for an annual fund of $248,000 from the council as part of the 10-year Long Term Plan, but instead Cr Matt Lawrey moved it be allocated $248,000 for the first year and $170,000 for the following nine years – a resolution that was adopted in a 9-2 vote.

Rutledge’s statement of apology was forwarded by the mayor to councillor­s, but those contacted by the Nelson Mail said Rutledge had not personally approached them.

Cr Mel Courtney said he would have liked a ‘‘one-on-one apology and assurances that it wouldn’t happen again’’.

Courtney said he was ‘‘lambasted’’ by Rutledge in the lift, and the current situation was ‘‘not satisfacto­ry at all’’.

Councillor Brian McGurk said there was ‘‘a deeper issue’’ to address.

‘‘I think a review or an investigat­ion would go a long way to restoring and maintainin­g trust in the council.’’

Councillor Matt Lawrey said the apology was ‘‘a positive gesture’’.

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