Manawatu Standard

Women riders return for Gravel and Tar cycle race


Women competitor­s will return to the Gravel and Tar Classic cycle race next year.

The challengin­g men’s cycle race held on gravel and tarsealed roads in rural Manawatū was brought back at the start of the year after being disrupted by Covid-19.

No women’s event was held this year because there wasn’t another top UCI women’s race in New Zealand or Australia around the same time from which to attract top riders .

But event organiser the Greasy Chain Charitable Trust has decided to push ahead with a women’s race on January 20 next year, regardless of teams’ availabili­ty.

The trust is again expecting solid entries for the men’s race, including the New Zealand national team and a couple of invitation­al teams to give promising Kiwi riders the chance to compete at an elite level.

Race director Steve Stannard said it was a great opportunit­y for the community to see an internatio­nal cycling event in Manawatū.

“Plus it gives promising local riders a fantastic opportunit­y to experience an internatio­nal event without going overseas.

“In fact, a number of Kiwi riders who’ve had such experience in previous editions of the Gravel and Tar – both the men’s Classic and women’s La Femme - are now establishe­d on the internatio­nal circuit, so it’s great for NZ cycling,” he said.

Bob Selden, chairman of the Greasy Chain Charitable Trust, said the event had the distinctio­n of “being one of the first cycling events in the world to pay equal prize money”, and had been recognised by Cycling New Zealand with the Shona Smith Award for its contributi­on to women’s cycling.

“So we’re very keen to continue to support women’s cycling despite the challengin­g odds.”

As in 2023, the race will start and finish in Ashhurst and cover almost 140km through Pohangina Valley and the Watershed gravel roads, enabling the event to live up to its hard-earned reputation as one of the toughest on the Oceanic circuit.

The route also provides great opportunit­ies for public viewing as the peloton completes two big laps up through Pohangina, one small lap up Valley Rd and two small laps around Ulysses Rd. Selden said it was huge for Manawatū. “Not only will teams be here on race day, but many teams will be in and around the district in the week leading up to the event, with some being based in Feilding, and others in Palmerston North. So they’ll be checking out the route and the beautiful Manawatū.

“A chance for locals to see profession­al internatio­nal cyclists, and for us to shine on the internatio­nal stage through their social media posts.”

 ?? WARWICK SMITH/ STUFF ?? TopKiwi rider Niamh Fisher-Black won the La Femme race in 2020. The women’s event has been brought back for the Gravel and Tar Classic next year.
WARWICK SMITH/ STUFF TopKiwi rider Niamh Fisher-Black won the La Femme race in 2020. The women’s event has been brought back for the Gravel and Tar Classic next year.

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