Manawatu Standard

Today in History


1795 – The first jackasses arrive in America through Boston Harbour as a gift from the King of Spain to President George Washington, for mating with mares to produce America’s first native mules.

1947 – United States actors Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, right, fly to Washington to protest against alleged violations of personal freedom by the House Un-american Activities Committee in hearings on Communist infiltrati­on in Hollywood.

1955 – Republic of South Vietnam is proclaimed.

1962 – Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev offers to withdraw missiles from Cuba if US removes bases in Turkey, but is rebuffed.

1979 – South Korea’s President Park Chung-hee is slain by his friend Kim Jae Kyu, the head of the Korean intelligen­ce agency.

1994 – Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Jordan’s Prime Minister Abdel Salam Majali sign a peace treaty, ending 46 years of hostility.

1996 – As eastern Zaire slides into chaos, the United Nations evacuates aid workers from the camp in Bukavu, leaving half a million Hutu refugees from Rwanda to fend for themselves.

1998 – Days after signing a peace accord with the Palestinia­ns, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu beats a no-confidence vote in Parliament.

1999 – Britain’s House of Lords votes to end the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in Britain’s upper chamber of Parliament.

2002 – Elite Russian counterter­rorism forces storm a theatre in Moscow, the Russian capital, after flooding it with knockout gas, bringing an end to a hostage crisis that had begun with the theatre’s October 23 seizure by more than 50 Chechen guerrillas. At least 119 of the 750 hostages die.


Georges Jacques Danton, French revolution­ary leader (1759-1794); Bob Hoskins, British actor (1942-2014); Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state and former US first lady (1947-); Keith Urban, Australian country singer (1967-).

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