Manawatu Standard

Koch network slams Senate bill


STATES: Chief lieutenant­s in the Koch brothers’ political network lashed out at the Senate Republican health care bill yesterday as not conservati­ve enough, becoming a powerful outside critic as GOP leaders try to rally support for their plan among rank-and-file Republican­s.

Tim Phillips, who leads Americans For Prosperity, the Koch network’s political arm, called the Senate’s plans for Medicaid ’’a slight nip and tuck’' of President Barack Obama’s health care law, a modest change he described as ‘‘immoral.’'

‘‘This Senate bill needs to get better,’' Phillips said. ‘‘It has to get better.’'

Some Republican senators have raised concern about cuts to Medicaid, which provides health care coverage to millions of poor and middle-income Americans. Several more conservati­ve senators have voiced opposition because they feel it does not go far enough in dismantlin­g what they call ‘‘Obamacare.’'

The comments came on the first day of a three-day private donor retreat at a luxury resort in the Rocky Mountains. Invitation­s were extended only to donors who promise to give at least $100,000 each year to the various groups backed by the Koch brothers’ Freedom Partners - a network of education, policy and political entities that aim to promote small government.

‘‘When I look at where we are at the size and effectiven­ess of this network, I’m blown away,’' billionair­e industrial­ist Charles Koch told hundreds of donors at a reception. His brother, David Koch, looked on from the crowd. ’’We’ve got to keep doing it at an accelerate­d pace,’' Charles Koch said.

No outside group has been


move aggressive over the yearslong push to repeal Obama’s health care law than the Kochs’, who vowed to spend another 10 years fighting to change the health care system if necessary. The Koch network has often displayed a willingnes­s to take on Republican­s - including President Donald Trump - when their policies aren’t deemed conservati­ve enough.

Network spokesman James Davis said the organisati­on would continue to push for changes to the Senate health care bill over the coming week.

The network’s wishes are backed by a massive political budget that will be used to take on Republican lawmakers, if necessary, Phillips said. He described the organisati­on’s budget for policy and politics heading into the 2018 midterm elections as between $300 million and $400 million.

On Saturday, Nevada Republican Dean Heller became the fifth GOP senator to declare his opposition to the Senate health care proposal. Heller said he opposes the measure ‘‘in this form’' but does not rule out backing a version that is changed to his liking.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell, R-KY., has said he’s willing to alter the measure to attract support as he tries pushing a final package through his chamber this week.

Republican leaders have scant margin for error. Facing unanimous Democratic opposition, Mcconnell can afford to lose just two of the 52 GOP senators and still prevail.

President Donald Trump continued to push for replacing Obama’s health care law, tweeting yesterday: ‘‘I cannot imagine that these very fine Republican Senators would allow the American people to suffer a broken Obamacare any longer!’' - AP

 ??  ?? Charles Koch
Charles Koch

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