Kapi-Mana News

Man steals from five petrol stations


An Otaihanga man travelled as far as Mana during a spree of petrol station drive-offs.

Gareth Symonds, 29, appeared in Porirua District Court last Tuesday and pleaded guilty to five charges relating to the theft of petrol.

The court was told that throughout March, Symonds visited five petrol stations between Mana and Kapiti, filled up his car and drove off without paying.

He stole $82.99 from BP Mana, $94.40 from BP Express, $78.07 from Z Mana, and $198.68 from two visits to Z Kapiti.

Symonds’ last previous court appearance was in 2004.

Police prosecutor senior Sergeant Karen Vaughan said reparation was sought and asked if Judge Bill Hastings would consider disqualify­ing the man from driving owing to the continual offending.

Defence lawyer Anneliese Boston said Symonds had explained that times were hard and that he needed to get his son to school.

She said reparation arrangemen­ts were being organised, and asked if the disqualifi­cation could be for the minimum number of months possible.

The offences happened over about two weeks and the judge questioned whether all the petrol went into one car.

Symonds was ordered to repay the full amount of $453.54, was disqualifi­ed from driving for four months and was ordered to complete 140 hours’ community work.

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