Herald on Sunday

Dessert’s a perfect finish to a meal.


AS WE GREW up, we didn’t really have desserts after dinner on a regular basis. Special occasions like birthdays and Christmas always meant there would be a plethora of sweet options to take our pick from. It wasn’t until recently that desserts started making a more regular appearance.

Unfortunat­ely for Kasey, she is so talented at making desserts that she now has the burden of a nagging sweet-tooth family, until she decides to give in and whip something up for us. We don’t discrimina­te in our house: hot desserts, cold desserts, chocolate, fruit, we like them all.

We have heard on numerous occasions from people who believe there is a separate stomach for desserts. We can see the reasoning behind that school of thought. Finishing the main course before all of the food is gone and then asking for the dessert menu is a widely adopted practice and the old, “I’m quite full … so maybe we should just share a dessert” can be heard at the end of many meals.

Our dad likes to use small ramekins to control his portion sizes, but we think going back for thirds usually defeats the purpose.

A good dessert can change the entire perception of a meal. It is the last impression you have and it can really ruin or save a dining experience. We know desserts are a sometimes treat, so if we are going to indulge, we might as well do it properly.

As a result of a few bad experience­s with panna cotta, we tended not to order them when they appeared on menus. However, after trying the delicious “strawberry patch” panna cotta at the Duke of Marlboroug­h, we were quickly converted.

A good panna cotta that has the perfect wobble and just enough gelatine to set it can be absolute perfection after a big meal. Our version has a pretty passion fruit jelly layered underneath the creamy panna cotta.

These baked apples are really simple to make and taste just like an apple crumble. They look super-cute and go a beautiful shade of green.

You can add anything you like to the stuffing: dried apricots, currents, orange zest. They are so versatile and a really comforting dish. We love to serve them with runny custard and pouring cream.

Who can go past banana and caramel? We have made this classic flavour combinatio­n even yummier by adding flaky pastry to the equation. Like an apple tarte tatin but a little cheekier, this dessert will definitely impress whoever you serve it to. The soft, sweet bananas are a great contrast to the crunch of the golden pastry. We serve this warm with vanilla-bean ice cream.

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