Hawke's Bay Today



The story on our Facebook page headed ‘How to unlock $10,000 by busting the Hawke's Bay Power Consumers' Trust’ drew these comments:

● Steven Waerea: Sounds stupid, short-term gains for long-term problems.

● Reno Harris: I’d just like the last two years of payments that the scummy trust are refusing to pay me out! And potentiall­y this year’s as well

● Ellen-Ellie Bayliss: Remember when power and phone were government owned. Our bills weren't as high as they are now.

Selling them off for competitiv­e business ventures. Now there are too many power suppliers trying to give people a so-called better deal but customers forget to read the fine print. As for rebates. Haven't seen our one this year.

● Steve Pickup: “Unison's true value lies in its ability to make consistent profits, something that is easy for a natural monopoly of electricit­y supply” makes it a better candidate for 100% govt ownership than privatised to vulture capitalist­s.

● Kimberley Booth: You could run the risk of losing all the community support with a sale. There is a lot of money gifted back that needs to be considered also on top of dividends…

● Nancy Wilson: So, privatisat­ion by another name?

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The one thing I disliked eating when I was a child was. . .

● Mike Richards: Surprise Peas.

● Ramari Munro: Soft eggs.

● Andrea Kimi Tipu: Liver.

● Stephanie DN: My sister would try to hide her peas.

● Natasha Tamatea: Kidney ...right to this day.

● Rachel Smith: Steak & kidney pie.

● Jen Branscombe: Heart and kidneys.

● Heather Dawson: Parsnips omg yuk, junket, poached eggs.

● Gina Wishart: Liver... still hate it.

● Iris McCooey: School stew.

● Tradine Mckay: Brussel sprouts and peas.

● Leah Jane: Parsnips, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, steak, fried eggs, seafood.

● Ngahina Thomson: Anything and everything duck lol. Duck shooting season meant spaghetti and eggs for me.

● Robyn Broughton: All of the above.

● Roni Warren: Broadbeans. Shellfish and mushrooms.

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