Hawke's Bay Today

Cryptic crossword



1. A bit of Communist symbolism for the harvester to use (6)

4. Being pale, the German will stray (6)

9. Left, from pilot’s point of view? He may have left it! (7)

10. Looking old facially, with people either side of the road (5)

11. A feature of tableware without end (4)

12. Average-shabby (4)

13. Animal that begins to lurk in second half of week (3)

15. One on roads in US who loses his head has only half a body (4)

16. To say something in a small way back in hiccups? Illegal! (4)

19. Sort of doll to beset with chaff (3)

21. To lug around before you begin doesn’t look good (4)

22. Academic apparel graduate leader will possess (4)

24. Don’t meet a vast empty space (5)

25. Even monarch is drawing in and pulling up (7)

26. ‘In’ movements whereby one inclines to include the right (6)

27. Don’t take kindly to being posted for the second time (6)


1. A permit to go out and look? Go in and look, rather! (6,7)

2. Trouble afoot leads to his discomfitu­re from a county (7)

3. ‘This – of thine will hurl my soul from heaven’ (Othello) (4)

5. It must be crossed for the Old World to meet the New (8)

6. He’s no good at learning, owing to State inclusion (5)

7. It makes flock-minder very happy, according to forecast (3,3,2,5)

8. One of the cattle on the hoof will be at the wheel perhaps (5)

14. Undo a bed like this, since there were so many (8)

17. Hope for the future is contained in a form of proem (7)

18. They are made in error if one is not sure-footed (5)

20. The very model of the world artichoke? (5)

23. Loyal to regiment finally on the street Napoleon used (4)

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