Hawke's Bay Today



The story on our Facebook page headed: Dashcam horror in Hawke’s Bay: ‘He wasn’t going to stop for anything’ drew these comments:

Jolene Fontaine: This nonsense is a continual occurrence between Napier and Hastings on all roads over 70k. I had a car and trailer pull out in front of me from Riverbend Rd when I was on Willowbank Rd.

This is 100km/h. I’ve had people pull out on Prebensen Drive with one car length between us. This is a 70k stretch. Then there is the section coming off Te Awa by the fertiliser works onto the main road. I’ve had a truck pull out and I’ve had to go into the other lane. Pretty sure many many people have had incidents along this stretch. What is wrong with people? Are they so oblivious to anyone other than themselves?? It’s obvious it’s faster moving . . . Don’t pull out!

Devine Mandula: Oh lady a stop sign ain’t gonna stop them . . . they need to have their cars crushed a few times before they learn a lesson.

Sammie Termaat: He needs to lose his licence ASAP!

Darrell Clark: Did either car that was travelling on the Taihape road back off? . . . as much as the white car was in the wrong, defensive driving is everyone’s responsibi­lity.

Danny Wallace: I mean muppet but HB has these muppets everywhere, ones that don’t use indicators, ones that cut you off and pull out, ones that pass trucks on blind corners, muppets everywhere and Hawke’s Bay is the worst!!

Queenie Aporo: What a drop kick loser.

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