Hawke's Bay Today



Tell us what you think. Send a text to 021 241 4568, write HBT then your message. Max of 150 characters per text.

● What’s all this Santa rubbish? I believe Santa is Dutch. This is not the Netherland­s, it is New Zealand. Why change an old tradition, he was always Father Christmas? When I was young we looked forward to Christmas, we didn’t get much but it was exciting for us too. Good old Father Christmas.

● O goody! Another square grey box to be built in HNth to make sure relocated Aucklander­s feel at home. Agree Pricilla Hay (Facebook 3/12) it is precious to use ‘village’ as a descriptiv­e term. Long gone. Think spoilage of Wanaka, Mt Manganui and Queenstown.

● Excellent article by Dr Lynley

Tulloch, my sentiments exactly.

● What a blatant piece of racism. Maori thumbing their noses at a European tradition.

● Congratula­tions to the under 21 girls Black Sticks for beating the Aussies 2 games to 1 at the Park Island hockey grounds over the weekend.

● Well done 6yr old Jack the FLOSS dancer and singer on the kareoke at the national service club. A future entertaine­r with style.

● Public need to get real over Cabinet papers and ministers time to read them. There’s an executive summary in one page that lists the main points then half a page of recommenda­tions. Then up to 30 pages of the whole background. If the summary doesn’t draw out the main issue we can’t expect ministers to read the 30 pages.

● An option for Napier’s parking woes is park and ride. Park up in the suburbs near a bus stop then take the bus into the CBD. If you’re over 65 and travel outside peak times the gold card may make the fare nil.

● A big thumbs up to Hasintgs District Council for trimming back all the foliage along the cycle path in Ngatarawa Rd. And made a great job of cleaning it all up. Well done, much appreciate­d. AEM

● Jacinda is leading the polling for PM but what about Shane Jones, he could be the Donald Trump of NZ and he is certainly not PC which is a great attribute. Go for it Shane and be the first elected Maori PM.

Thank you for texting your views. Please note that owing to the anonymous nature of texts we will not publish unfair personal attacks in this column. — Ed

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