Hauraki-Coromandel Post

Stella goes with oysters


While traditiona­lly considered the domain of Champagne, oysters are a surprising­ly fine food match to a beer such as Stella.

A refreshing brew with a malty middle and crisp finish, Stella Artois has a full, pleasantly bitter flavour that perfectly enhances and contrasts the creamy, salty flavour of these fresh Coromandel oysters.

So you can create a perfect pairing at home, Anna Kingshahab from Rad/ ish has created a delicious recipe for Beer Butter Grilled Oysters.


Serves 2-4 as an entree


■ Dozen fresh Te Kouma oysters in the half shell

■ 50g butter

■ 50ml Stella Artois

■ 2 Tbsp grated swiss cheese

■ Handful flat-leaf parsley

■ 1 red chilli, finely julienned

■ Croutons

■ Few slices sourdough baguette

■ 2 Tbsp olive oil

■ 1 tsp smoked paprika


To make croutons, cut the sourdough slices into very small cubes, toss together with the olive oil, paprika and a pinch of salt, lay out in single layer on a lined baking tray and bake for around 10-15 minutes, checking occasional­ly, until toasted through and golden. Set aside to cool.

Preheat oven to 200 on grill setting.

Using a small sharp knife, carefully cut through the muscle that joins each oyster to its shell, carefully, so as to retain the precious liquor in each shell.

Lay oysters in half shells in an ovenproof dish, making sure they’re balanced so as not to tip and let the juices run during cooking.

In a heavy fry pan (cast iron is best), melt the butter, add the Stella Artois and let bubble for one minute. Take off heat and spoon a few teaspoons of the beer-butter over each oyster, aiming to keep the sauce nestled in each shell.

Sprinkle a pinch of cheese over each oyster, then place dish in oven and grill for 10 minutes until the cheese is golden and bubbling and the oysters appear semi-cooked on top. Scatter over parsley, croutons and chilli and serve with ice-cold Stella Artois.

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