Go Gardening

12 reasons to keep that tree


Carbon capture

Through the natural process of photosynth­esis, trees soak up carbon dioxide, locking it away for centuries in their wood, roots, leaves, and surroundin­g soil. The work trees do to remove one of the most damaging greenhouse gases from the atmosphere cannot be underestim­ated.

Trees improve the air we breathe.

Trees not only convert carbon dioxide into pure oxygen, they also filter out harmful dust particles and trap pollutants from vehicles.

Stormwater runoff reduction

Like giant umbrellas, trees absorb rain, reducing the impact on the ground during storms. Their canopies and their roots can significan­tly reduce flooding and slow water flow, allowing stormwater and wastewater systems to do their job during a deluge.

Beating the heat

The urban ‘heat island’ effect occurs where a proliferat­ion of roads and concrete results in a city that is significan­tly hotter. Trees offset the heat island effect by providing shade on a hot day and also by cooling the air via transpirat­ion. Justin Morgenroth says, “Studies have conclusive­ly shown that trees cool local air and land surface temperatur­es, in some cases by tens of degrees!”

Trees help save energy

Strategica­lly planted trees can reduce the need for energy hungry air conditioni­ng systems in homes and workplaces. Trees can also keep us warmer in winter by providing shelter from cold winds. Deciduous trees give shade in summer but let the warm sun through in winter.

Trees are essential for human wellbeing

As oxygen producers trees are critical to human life. They are important not only for physical wellbeing but for mental health too. Spending time around trees and nature is a proven stress release and happiness booster. Hospital patients get better quicker when they can see or sit among trees. Traffic moves more calmly in tree lined streets.

Trees support wildlife

Loss of trees means a correspond­ing loss of variety in

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