Franklin County News

Nats promise to throw $1b at road


The building of a new $955 million south Auckland roading corridor is being promised ahead of the election.

The National Party has announced it will invest nearly one billion dollars into the Mill Rd project through Manukau, Papakura and Drury if re-elected to government.

The party announced it will make the road a state highway and secure government funding through the National Land Transport Fund.

National’s Papakura candidate Judith Collins says she is ‘‘delighted’’ with the announceme­nt which frees Auckland Council ‘‘from the cost and responsibi­lity’’.

National’s plan will fast track the proposed four-lane highway by providing ‘‘funding certainty’’ for the developmen­t, she says.

Collins, who lobbied for the project, says the alternativ­e route will also improve the resilience of the Southern Motorway which is ‘‘crucial to the developmen­t of the south Auckland region and for productivi­ty and safety’’.

Auckland deputy mayor and Franklin councillor Bill Cashmore is welcoming the announceme­nt.

The Mill Rd project is ‘‘critical for the developmen­t of the south and the increasing traffic movements that are created by growth’’ in the area, he said.

‘‘The Mill Rd project has been on the books for many years and it is positive that it now has a green light at last.’’

‘‘The movement of freight and aggregates is critical for economic developmen­t and with over 80 per cent of Auckland’s quarry material being sourced within 20 kilometres of Mill Rd, its significan­ce becomes even more clear.

‘‘Currently that represents over nine million tonnes per year.

‘‘The Auckland Transport Alignment Project [ATAP] identified Mill Rd as a top priority.

‘‘The Mill Rd project has been on the books for many years and it is positive that it now has a green light at last,’’ Cashmore said.

National’s transport spokes- person Simon Bridges said if reelected his party ‘‘will continue to see record levels of investment in Auckland to support the city’s growing transport needs’’.

The party has also committed to building a third main rail line from Westfield to Wiri and extend rail electrific­ation from Pukekohe to Papakura.

National’s Hunua candidate Andrew Bayly, who has also lobbied for the work, and ManurewaPa­pakura ward councillor Daniel Newman are also backing the announceme­nt.

The corridor will cater to more than 20,000 new homes in the area over the next 10 to 15 years.

Around 60 homes have also being earmarked for demolition once constructi­on is underway.

 ??  ?? The Mill Rd upgrade will turn the route into a four-lane highway from Manukau to Drury.
The Mill Rd upgrade will turn the route into a four-lane highway from Manukau to Drury.
 ??  ?? Hunua MP Andrew Bayly
Hunua MP Andrew Bayly

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