Boating NZ

We welcome your letters and feedback for publicatio­n. Return of an Icon Stellar Service

Address to: The Editor, Boating New Zealand, PO Box 6341, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141, or email OUR SUMMER CRUISE Lane

- Pepe de Miguel

I AM PEPE DE MIGUEL, the proud owner of S/Y Kahurangi and I am writing because I read the article published in your magazine in 2010 written by Harold Kidd.

When I bought Kahurangi from the late John C. Olsen back in 2006, I made him two promises: I would take her back to New Zealand and I would contact him from the last stop before arriving in Auckland for him to join us for the last leg of the voyage.

Sadly, I won’t be able to fulfill the last promise but at least I can try my best to do it with the other one.

Although I’ve had to resort to charter during the last year to keep Kahurangi under my ownership, I never stopped making contacts trying to reactivate “The Return of Kahurangi” project.

Finally now, thanks to the interest of an executive officer and classic yacht owner, a chance to make the project real has arisen.

He owns a Spanish communicat­ion company with interests in the Pacific, and has shown interest in the project. We are trying to convince them to help me launch and support a “funds raising” and sponsorshi­p activity to cover all the costs to get Kahurangi back to Auckland; and once there, to donate her to New Zealand through a charitable trust.

The most interestin­g thing for them is promoting a cultural and historical conservati­on project with big media coverage.

This would include the making of a documentar­y, a photograph­ic book and the selection of people with some kind of relation with Kahurangi’s history, and youngsters to give them the chance to participat­e in bringing Kahurangi back home by stages.

What I need for now is anything that could help me to give them an idea of the interest of people and media from New Zealand would have in Kahurangi’s return.

If you have any idea, contacts or any kind of informatio­n that can improve the dossier I am preparing it will be very welcome.

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